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A backend framework for solid web apps based on node.js

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# Grandjs A backend framework for solid web apps based on node.js

You want to build a solid web application but you don't want to use express and a lot of packages you need to build a basic website, Grandjs is one framework includes all main functionalities you need to build amazing, solid and secured web application without need for a ton of packages and libraries.

  • Grandjs is built for solid and extended web apps

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1- you need to install node.js on your system 2- init a new project using npm, so then we will be able to install this framework


  • fewer packages and more productivity
  • Framework includes the most needed functionalities to build a perfect web app
  • depends on Handlebars template Engine which is friendly with many developers
  • solid routing system built on Javascript object-oriented programming and you can extend it as you need
  • controlled handling for every error page in your app
  • Grandjs is built for solid and extended web apps
  • Built in template engine using jsx
  • Extendable Routing System
  • Accepts Express Packages such as (body-parser, cookie-parser, morgan, cors)
  • built in cors Handler Built in request body parser Usable for Typescript Apps
//require HTTP module
const http = require("http");
//require Grandjs framework
const Grandjs = require("grandjs");

// set the configuration of the framework
    //define the port
    port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
    // http is optional you can specify http or https, if you don't specify Grandjs automatically require HTTP module
    http: http,
    // if you specified https so you should ssl files in this object
    httpsMode: {
        key: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem'),
        cert: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem')
    // define the static files container folder
    staticFolder: {
        // set the path of the folder of assets
        path: path.join(process.cwd(), "/public"),
        // set the global url that will be consumed by http request
        url: "/public"
        //set the encryption key, Grandjs uses encription key to cypher info
    ENCRYPTION_KEY: "ncryptiontestforencryptionproces",
    // use native request body parser or not
    nativeParser: true || false,

    //set error page for global error pages
    errorPage(req, res) {
        res.end("error page");

// init Grandjs


Whats New ?

Grandjs now supports the following

  • JSX Syntax for rendering dynamic content instead of using template engins
  • many of express packages are now compatible with Grandjs such as cookie-parser, session, flash, morgan, express-fileupload, body-parser
  • Typescript support!, Grandjs has major updates one of these updates is rebuilding the package again using typescript and changing the architecture of the project

Please don't Forget to support us by rating the project!, Also you can contribute us


We aim to make grandjs the successor of express js with new vision, architecture, and modern javascript features like Router inheritance to build extendable, scalable web applications without repeating your self!


open the command prompt and navigate to the project folder and just say

npm install grandjs --save

Getting Started

Server configuration

to start with Grandjs just install it and call it in your file as the following Javascript

//require Grandjs framework in javascript
const {Server, Router, Request, Response} = require("grandjs/lib");


import {Server, Router, Request, Response} from "grandjs/src"

if you want to require HTTP or HTTPS module to pass it to Grand js you can, in all cases, Grandjs behind the seen requires HTTP module as a default.

Now you need to call setConfig function to set some configuration for the project


this function takes one parameter as an object

Example on all configuration

const {Server, Router} = require("grandjs/lib");

import {Server, Router} from "grandjs/src";

// define Grandjs configuration
    //define the port
    port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
    // http is optional you can specify http or https, if you don't specify Grandjs automatically require HTTP module
    http: http,
    // if you specified https so you should ssl files in this object
    httpsMode: {
        key: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem'),
        cert: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem')
    // define the static files container folder
    staticFolder: {
        // set the path of the folder of assets
        path: path.join(process.cwd(), "/public"),
        // set the global url that will be consumed by http request
        url: "/public"
    //set the encryption key, Grandjs uses encription key to cypher info
    ENCRYPTION_KEY: "ncryptiontestforencryptionproces",
    // use native request body parser or not
    nativeParser: true || false,

    //set error page for global error pages
    errorPage(req, res) {
        res.end("error page");
    // configure cors
    cors : {
        origin: '*',
        methods: 'GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE',
        preflightContinue: false,
        optionsSuccessStatus: 204

until now Grandjs doesn't work so you need to call "init function" to initialize the server



Grandjs uses Cors Module which is used in express, you can use the default settings of it as you use in expressjs

Grandjs installs cors and set default configuration automatically, however you can set your own configurations

Cors Configuration

Grandjs allows you to set cors configuration on multiple level of routes as the following:

  • cors setting over all app routes Example
// javascript
const {Server} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server} from "grandjs/src";

    cors : {
        origin: '*',
        methods: 'GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE',
        preflightContinue: false,
        optionsSuccessStatus: 204

  • cors setting over specific Router "group of routes" Example
// javascript
const {Server, Router} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server, Router} from "grandjs/src";
class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {
        this.cors = {
            origin: '*',
            methods: 'GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE',
            preflightContinue: false,
            optionsSuccessStatus: 204
  • cors setting over specific route Example
// javascript
const {Server, Router} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server, Router} from "grandjs/src";
class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {
        this.getRouters = [this.homePage()];
    homePage() {
        return {
            cors: {
                origin: '*',
                methods: 'GET,',
                preflightContinue: false,
                optionsSuccessStatus: 204
        }   ,
            //define the url of router
            url: "/",
            // define the method of the router
            method: "GET",
            handler: () => {
                // handle the request and do the functionalities

Accessing Grandjs Server

After initializing grandjs, maybe you want to use the created server or access on it's properties so you can access on grandjs node server via this property from grandjs

// javascript
const {Server} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server} from "grandjs/src";

// -> http Server

Grandjs MiddleWares

as every nodejs developer used to add middleware to the express app to be executed before the routes, grandjs does also something similar

In grandjs you have three types of middlewares

  • global middleare over app
  • global middleware over single router class (group of routes)
  • private middleware over single route

we will explain the last two types of middlewares in the Router section, but here we will talk about global middlewares over app.

Global middlewares over app are middlewares you want to run before executing any router in the app, this type of middlewares often is used for injecting dependencies in the app or make global settings for the whole app.

to set global middleware you can use Server.use function as the following:

// javascript
const {Server} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server} from "grandjs/src";

// add global middleware here

Server.use function takes one argument which should be a function, this function has regular three arguments as the following:

Server.use((req, res, next) => {
    // continue
    return next();
  • req is the incoming request object
  • res is the response object to send response or set headers
  • next is a function to call to continue to the next middleware or to start executing the routers


Grandjs takes the function which passed in use function and pushes it to an array of middlewares which will be executed later when a route hs requested, so these middlewares will be executed by their arrange inside the array. To continue to the next global middleware or to start executing the matched router class you have to call next function, without it the routes will not be executed.


  • Grandjs Routing system is built upon object-oriented programming, so Router is a class inside Grandjs you extend it and add routes to it as you wanna

to work with router class you need to extend it or instatiate it directly and every class implies a group of routes have a specific base url

extend Router class
// javascript
const {Server, Router} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server, Router} from "grandjs/src";
class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {

As any extended class, you should call the super inside the constructor and pass the options parameter


Now after defining the class, you should define the get routers which related to this class Router class has a property called "getRouters" this is an array and you push inside it the routers you add within the class with the GET method


class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {
        this.getRouters = []

you can add routers which related to this class as methods inside the class and every method you use it as a router it should return an object has the following properties

URLstring (required)the URL of the router
methodstring (required)HTTP method get / post / patch / put / delete
handlerfunction (required)the function you want to run when the request URL matches the router url
middleWaresarray (optional)if you want to run a function or more to check about something before running the final handler of the router

Define get routers


// javascript
const {Server} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server} from "grandjs/src";
class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {

        //push the homePage method route into getRouters array
    homePage() {
        return {
            //define the url of router
            url: "/",
            // define the method of the router
            method: "GET",
            handler: (req, res) => {
                // handle the request and do the functionalities

Define post routers


class HomeRouter extends Grandjs.Router{
    constructor(options) {

        //push the homePage method route into getRouters array
    homePagePost() {
        return {
            //define the url of router
            url: "/",
            // define the method of the router
            method: "POST",
            handler: (req, res) => {
                // handle the request and do the functionalities

instantiate router class


// javascript
const {Server, Router} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server, Router} from "grandjs/src";
class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {

        //push the homePage method route into getRouters array
        this.getRouters = [this.homePage()];
    homePage() {
        return {
            //define the url of router
            url: "/",
            // define the method of the router
            method: "GET",
            handler: () => {
                // handle the request and do the functionalities
// instantiate the class
const homeRoters = new HomeRouter({base: "/"});

when you instantiate the class you should define the options parameter as an object includes two properties

basestring (required)implies the base URL you want to add routers to it. so if you defined it as "/admin" all routers inside this class would be added to /admin
staticFolderobject(optional)the name of the folder you want to serve assets and static files from it. The default value of it is the global staticFolder that you specified in setConfig function
staticFolder.pathstring(optional)the path to read files from
staticFolder.urlstringthe url that will resolve the static and assets content


const homeRoters = new HomeRouter({
    base: "/"

you can also specify the basename of the router class inside the class constructor as the following:

class HomeRouters extends Router{
    constructor() {
        this.base = "/admin"

if you follow this pattern so you don't need to add base property when you instantiate the class because the base will be passed before

Build Router

after instantiating the router, to make it works you need to call build method to start building and constructing the router

const homeRoters = new HomeRouter({
    base: "/"
// this builds the router to be ready for runtime execution;


Building routers should be before Server.initServer method

Access on request and response objects

to handle the routers and check requests and responses you need to access them, so these objects are accessible using different ways

1- req & res objects are properties inside the class


class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {

        //push the homePage method route into getRouters array
        this.getRouters = [this.homePage()];
    homePage() {
        return {
            //define the url of router
            url: "/",
            // define the method of the router
            method: "GET",
            handler: () => {
                // handle the request and do the functionalities
                //request object: this.req
                // response object: this.res
                //console the request object headers
                this.res.end("hello home page");

2- request & response are accessable as parameters inside handler function


homePage() {
    return {
        url: "/",
        method: "get",
        handler: (req, res) => {
            res.end("hello home page");
Specify a separated folder for static files for this group of routes
const homeRoters = new HomeRouter({
    base: "/",
    //specify the container folder fo static file for all routes inside this class
    // front path
    staticFolder: {
        path: path.join(process.cwd(), "/assets"),
        url: "/assets"
Router add route

This function enables you to add routers to the class from outside it


this function takes one (required) parameter as an object has the following properties

URLstring (required)the URL of the router
methodstring (required)HTTP method get / post / patch / put / delete
handlerfunction (required)the function you want to run when the request URL matches the router url
middleWaresarray (optional)if you want to run a function or more to check about something before running the final handler of the router


// javascript
const {Server, Router} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript

import {Server, Router} from "grandjs/src";
const adminRoute = new Router({
    baes: "/admin"
// add main route to admin base
    url: "/",
    method: "get",
    handler: (req, res) => {
        res.end("hello admin");
// add profile page route to admin base
    url: "/profile",
    method: "get",
    handler: (req, res) => {
        res.end("hello profile");

Router class errorPage

you can specify a custom error page for every class you instantiate it to control on error links in a group of routes to do that you need to define "errorPage" method to the class

1- define it inside the class


class HomeRouter extends Grandjs.Router{
    constructor(options) {
    homePage() {
        return {
            url: "/",
            method: "get",
            handler: () => {
                this.res.end("hello home page");
    aboutPage() {
        return {
            url: "/about",
            method: "get",
            handler: () => {
                this.res.end("hello about page");
    // customize error page
    errorPage() {
        this.res.end("error page")

2-Define error page from outside the class


const homeRouter = new Router({
    baes: "/"
// add main route to admin base
    url: "/",
    method: "get",
    handler: (req, res) => {
        res.end("hello homepage");
// add profile page route to admin base
    url: "/about",
    method: "get",
    handler: (req, res) => {
        res.end("hello aboutpage");
homeRouter.errorPage = (req, res) => {
    res.end("error page");

not that if you didn't define error page for the router class it automatically call error page which you specified in setConfig function

Global middleWares

Global middleware is a way to apply middlewares on a class which includes a group of routers

globalMiddleWares is an array inside the class you can define it inside the constructor and put inside it functions that you want to run when the client requests the base name of that class


class HomeRouter extends Router{
    constructor(options) {
        // you can add one middleWare or more and it would be applied according to the arrangment
        this.globalMiddleWares = [this.sendMessage]
    sendMessage(req, res, next) {
        res.write("message from middleWare");
        // continue to the next hanlders
    homePage() {
        return {
            url: "/",
            method: "get",
            handler: () => {
                this.res.end("hello home page");
    aboutPage() {
        return {
            url: "/about",
            method: "get",
            handler: () => {
                this.res.end("hello about page");
    // customize error page
    errorPage() {
        this.res.end("error page")

not that the middlWares array can include many middleWare functions and the middleWares are applied according to the indexing inside the array

Every middleWare has three parameters

reqobjectimplies the coming request object contains all information about the request
resobjectrepresents the response object
nextfunctionis a function you can execute it to continue to the next middleware or to the final handler of the router

Router URL define params

you can add params to the URL of the router to make dynamic routes like the following:

url: "/posts/:postId"

to access the parameters inside the URL using request.params property


const homePage = new Router({
    baes: "/"
    url: "/posts/:postId",
    method: "get",
    handler: (req, res) => {
Request Object

this is an object you can access on it inside the handler of the route and the object contains all information about the request which is coming

req.methodstringreturns the method of the current request
req.pathnamestringreturns the requested URL without query string
req.pathstringreturns the requested URL with query string
req.hrefstringreturns the requested URL with query string
req.urlobjectreturns object contains the parsed URL
req.queryobjectcontains the query & search in the URL(it parsed as key and value)
req.paramsobjectreturns the query parameters if it exists as key and value
req.validationobjectreturns an object contains some helper functions to validate the email and string
req.dataobjectreturns an object contains the posted data if the method is "post"
req.bodyobjectreturns an object contains the posted data if the method is "post"
req.headersobjectreturns the headers of the coming request
req.flashobjectthis object enables you to set messages to send it to handlebars to show to the user
Request params

returns an object contains the parameters of the router URL and it's value if it exists if there are no params so it returns an empty object


const homePage = new Router({
    baes: "/"
    url: "/posts/:category",
    method: "get",
    handler: (req, res) => {
        // user requested http://localhost:300/posts/tech?postId=2
        console.log(req.params); //output {category:"tech"};
        console.log(req.query) //output {postId: 2}
        console.log(req.pathname) //output /posts/tech
        console.log(req.path) //output /posts/tech?postId=2
        console.log(req.href) //output /posts/tech?postId=2
        console.log(req.method) //output "get"
        /* output 
        Url {
        protocol: null,
        slashes: null,
        auth: null,
        host: null,
        port: null,
        hostname: null,
        hash: null,
        search: '?postId=2',
        query: 'postId=2',
        pathname: '/posts/tech',
        path: '/posts/tech?postId=2',
        href: '/posts/tech?postId=2' }
Handle post request

Grandjs handles all types of post requests and submitted data and returns them as an object called and another property req.body this object contains all the submitted data and you can access on it inside the handler function if the method of the router is post


postAdminPage() {
    return {
        method: "post",
        url: "/admin/addinfo",
        handler: (req, res) => {
            console.log( || //output {} contains all submitted info
Request Uploaded Files

In Grandjs You can upload files easily without any extra settings, all you should do is specifying Request header as multipart/form-data

Grandjs Uses multiparty package for file uploading

You can access on the uploaded files via files property in the request object as the following:

postAdminPage() {
    return {
        method: "post",
        url: "/admin/uploadInfo",
        handler: (req, res) => {
            console.log(req.files) //output {} contains all uploaded files

req.files property is an object which includes the uploaded files as properties, each property incarnates the uploaded file as an object, but if there are multiple files uploaded with the same filed name so they will be grouped together inside the property name as an array of objects

each object has the following properties:

      name: 'images' // the name of the filed,
      filename: 'download (1).jpeg' // original file name,
      data: <Buffer> // the file content as buffer,
      size: 14473 // size of file,
      extension: '.jpg' // the extension type of file,
      mimetype: 'image/jpeg' // mime type of file,
      stream: [Duplex] // ability to use this file to stream it,
       headers: [Object] // the sent headers with this file,
      byteOffset: 147,
      byteCount: 27975 // bytes count


For Request Body parsing you have two options

1- use native Grandjs request parser which will also parse request with formdata

2- use body-parser package for parsing json requests and use express-fileupload for parsing multipart/form-data request body

Response Object

this is an object you can access on it inside the handler of the route This object contains all methods that you need to send a response or content to the coming request

res.render function

This function you use it to render HTML content using JSX Stateless Components


takes one parameter as an object, this object should contain the following properties

ComponentFunctionA functional Component written in JSX Syntax to be rendered as an HTML
dataobject (optional)object contains the data you want to render inside the rendered component


Create App.jsx File

// import View here (mandatory)
// javascript
const {View} = require("grandjs/lib");

// typescript
import {View} from "grandjs/src";
const App = (props) => {
    return (
            Hello world
// use native exporting method either for typescript or javascript
module.exports = App
// javascript
const {Server, Router, View} = require("grandjs/lib");

// typescript
import {Server, Router, View} from "grandjs/src";

// load jsx file
const App = View.importJsx("./App.jsx");
    homePageRouter() {
        return {
            url: "/",
            method: "get",
            handler: () => {
                // render jsx component
                this.res.render(App, {message: "Hello Grandjs"})
res.write function

this function is like the native api of node.js, it allows you to send strings to the client

res.write("hello world");
//end the response
res.end function

this function is like the native api of node.js, it allows you to send strings to the client

res.end("hello world");
res.sendFile function

this function takes on parameter

pathString (required)this parameter should specify the path of the file which you want to send

this function uses promise to return a catch function if the file isn't exist


res.sendFile("/views/pages/home.html").catch((err) => {
    console.log(err) //output no such file
res.json function

this function sends json data, it accepts one parameter this parameter should be an object and Grandjs stringify this object automatically

res.json({user: "tarek", email: "", id: 1});
res.redirect function

This function is used to make redirect to another link It accepts one parameter

urlString (required)this parameter should specify url that you want to redirect to

res.status function

this function sets the status of the response with http status code, it accepts one parameter which is the status code of the response

res.status(200).json({user: "tarek", email: "", id: 1});

middleWares is a group of functions used to run something before executing the final handler

the middWares property should be an array includes the functions

Every middleware should have three parameters

reqobjectimplies the coming request object contains all information about the request
resobjectrepresents the response object
nextfunctionis a function you can execute it to continue to the next middleWare or to the final handler of the router


//middle ware
function writeWithMiddleware(req, res, next) {
    // has three parameters
    1- req: the request object
    2- res: the response object
    3- next: a function you execute it to continue to the handler
   res.write("from middleware");
homePage() {
    return {
        url: "/home",
        middleWares: [],
        method: "get",
        handler: (req, res) => {
            res.end("hello home page");

            // final output on the browser:
            //from middleware
            //hello home page

note that the middlWares array can include many middleWare functions and the middleWares are applied according to the indexing inside the array

Use Router class inside another router class

you can build a router class and append another router class to its parent, This is designed for special use case as the following: suggest you have parent router class has basename /admin and you want to group some of routes to manage products for example so the default way you can create another class with basename /admin/products so we came up with the solution to use router classes inside another routing classes which give you the flexibility to use child routes inside parent route as the following:

// admin product routes
class ProductRoutes extends Router{
    constructor(options) {
        // add post routers to the array
        this.postRouters = [this.addProduct()]
    addProduct() {
        return {
            url: "/product",
            method: "POST",
            handler: (req, res) => {

// admin router
class AdminRoutes extends Router{
    constructor(options) {
        this.getRouters = [this.homePage()];
        // use child router class
    homePaage() {
        return {
            url: "/",
            method: "GET",
            handler: (req, res) => {
                res.end("home page!");


Grandjs includes awesome validation system to validate inputs and remove strip tags and check the correct email you can access on validation using on of two ways 1- importing the module


const {validation} = require("grandjs/lib");

// typescript
import {validation} from "grandjs/src";

2- as a property inside the request object

const handler = (req, res) => {
validation.striphtmltags function

this function removes weird characters from the string to insure that there is no harmful characters inside the string

let str = "h1hello worldh1"
Grandjs.helpers.validation.strip_html_tags(str) // output hello world
validation.checkEmail function

This function checks if the string is emain or not

this function takes two parameters

emailstring (required)this parameter is required and it should be a string that you want to test it as email or not
cbfunction (optional)this is a callback function you can call it and includes one parameter either be true or false

This function you can call it async with a callback function or sync without callback

1- with callback function

Grandjs.helpers.validation.checkEmail("", (email) => {
    if(email) {
        console.log(email) //output true if it email
    } else {
        console.log(email) // output false if itsn't email

2- without callback

let email = Grandjs.helpers.validation.checkEmail("test@gmail");
console.log(email) // returns true if it email, if not,  returns false
validation.notEmpty function

This function checks if the given string is empty or not

it accepts two parameters

stringstring (required)to test it is empty or not
cbfunction (optional)this is a callback function you can call it and includes one parameter either be true or false

This function you can call it async with a callback function or sync without callback

1- with callback function

Grandjs.helpers.validation.notEmpty("", (notEmpty) => {
    if(notEmpty) {
        console.log(notEmpty) //output true if it is not empty
    } else {
        console.log(notEmpty) // output false if it is empty

2- without callback

let notEmpty = Grandjs.helpers.validation.notEmpty("");
console.log(email) // returns true if it isn't empty, if it is empty,  returns false
validation.checkContainsNumber function

This function checks if the given string contains numbers or not

it accepts three parameters

stringstring (required)to test it contains numbers or not
countNumber (required)refers to the count of the number you want to test the string contains. if you specify it for example 5 so the function checks if the given string contains five numbers
cbfunction (optional)this is a callback function you can call it and includes one parameter either be true or false

This function you can call it async with a callback function or sync without callback

1- with callback function

Grandjs.helpers.validation.checkContainsNumber("Grandjs32test1", 3, (containsNumbers) => {
    if(containsNumbers) {
        console.log(containsNumbers) //output true if it contains number
    } else {
        console.log(containsNumbers) // output false if it doesn't contain three numbers

2- without callback

let containsNumbers = 
Grandjs.helpers.validation.checkContainsNumber("Grandjs32test1", 3);
console.log(containsNumbers) // returns true if it contains 3 numbers, returns false if not
validation.checkIsNumber function

This function checks if the given parameter is a number or not you can use this function to authenticate phone number and stuff like that

it accepts two parameters

valueany (required)to test it is number or not
cbfunction (optional)this is a callback function you can call it and includes one parameter either be true or false

This function you can call it async with a callback function or sync without callback

1- with callback function

let test = 1222;
Grandjs.helpers.validation.checkIsNumber(test, (number) => {
    if(number) {
        console.log(number) //output true if it is number
    } else {
        console.log(number) // output false if it isn't number

2- without callback

let test = 1222;
let number = Grandjs.helpers.validation.checkIsNumber(test);
console.log(number) // returns true if it is number, returns false if not


Grandjs gives you functionalities to crypt important info and cipher them and decrypt them encryption functions are inside helpers inside grandjs library This helper uses the ENCRYPTION_KEY that you specify in setConfig function.

not that the length of ENCRYPTION_KEY should be 32 character



This function takes one parameter which refers to the string you wanna encrypt or cipher it

textstring (required)implies the text that you wanna cipher it

This function rreturns the string after cipher it

const {Cipher} = require("grandjs/lib");
// encrypt password
let encryptedPassword = Cipher.enCrypt("passowrd");

const {Cipher} = require("grandjs/lib");

This function takes one parameter which refers to the string you wanna decrypt or decipher it

textstring (required)implies the text that you wanna decipher it

This function rreturns the string after decipher it

// encrypt password
let decryptedPassword = Grandjs.helpers.deCrypt("passowrd");


This Module is deprecated, you can use Express session and Cookie-parser instead!

Flash Messages

This Module is deprecated, you can use express flash messages instead!


// javascript
const {Server} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript
import {Server} = from "grandjs/src";

const flash = require('express-flash'),
const session = require('express-session')
const cookieParser = require("cookie-parser");
Server.use(cookieParser('keyboard cat'));
Server.use(session({ cookie: { maxAge: 60000 }}));

Add MimeTypes

if you want to serve more static files with another mimetype not exist in our built in mimetypes, so you can use the following function

Server.addMimeTypes(extention, mimeType);

This function takes two parameters

extentionstring (required)represents the extention of the file that you want to check
mimeTypestring (required)The mime type that you want to set in the response header for the specific file


Server.addMimeTypes(".pdf", "application/pdf");

Grandjs File Upload

Grandjs includes a small helpers for working with files and images specifically, you can use it via calling it from grandjs:

// javascript
const {FileUpload} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript
import {FileUpload} from "grandjs/src"

file upload has property called uploadPath which is the destination to save files in, you can change it anytime by calling setUploadPath method as the following:


FileUpload has implementation to make a directory in a specific destination


Save Base64 as image

you can save base 64 file as image using this function:

FileUpload.saveImageBase64(data, uploadPath)
uploadPth: // default is uploadPath of the class

this function returns promise

Socket Io Support

Grandjs is extendable to use with socket io for realtime applications, here is an example on using grandjs with socket io

const {Server} = require("grandjs");
const socketIo = require("");
    //define the port
    port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
    // http is optional you can specify http or https, if you don't specify Grandjs automatically require HTTP module
    http: http,
    // if you specified https so you should ssl files in this object
    httpsMode: {
        key: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem'),
        cert: fs.readFileSync('test/fixtures/keys/agent2-cert.pem')
    //set the encryption key, Grandjs uses encription key to cypher info
    ENCRYPTION_KEY: "ncryptiontestforencryptionproces",

    //set error page for global error pages
    errorPage(req, res) {
        res.end("error page");

// init Grandjs

const io = socketIo(Server.Server);
io.on("connect", () => {
    console.log("connected successfully")

now once you run the application you can connect on socket via port 3000


Writing JSX in Grandjs


Grandjs Depends on JSX for rendering dynamic/static HTML markups, it converts the jsx syntax to html string by native parser, also the rendered JSX markup is a stateless

Grandjs loads JSX components and files on runtime fastly without a need to bable or any transpilers, Grandjs uses import-jsx package for requiring jsx files

Why ?

Actually there is many different template engines can be used, all these template engines are efficient and good to work with, but you will learn a new syntax of each template engine, also you will suffer from the hassle of searching helpers for this template engine to add new features like conditions, mathematical operations inside the html markup, however we have JSX! Most of developers now know JSX and know how can they render it, "thanks React!", so We see using JSX is good, efficient and fast in rendering and Friendly syntax that allow you to write the whole Application in just javascript, with getting the benefits if Javascript methods, helpers, functions inside the HTML markup

How ?

Grandjs exports an object called View, this object includes some builtin methods and configuration for parsing, and caching jsx syntax and converting it to html strings and then send this HTML markup to the browser

Note JSX syntax shouldn't be written in the entry point file, you should create a folder called views for example and put all JSX code there by dividing into functional components and requiring the component you wherever you want Example

Project Structure

Directory Structure

 ├ views
    ├ App.jsx
    ├ Home.jsx
 ├ index.js

in App.jsx

// jsx
// importing {View} is mandatory
const {View} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript
import {View} from "grandjs/src";
const App = (props) => {
    return (
            <h1>hello App Component</h1>
module.exports = App;

in Home.jsx file

const {View} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript
import {View} from "grandjs/src";
const App = View.importJsx("./App.jsx");
const Home = (props) => {
    return (
            <h1>This is home page</h1>
module.exports = Home;


1- Any Component you write you have to import {View} inside the file that you write the component in, to make grandjs recognize and compile that file

2- The component should be a functional Component as the following:

const App = (props) => {
    return (
            <h1>hello App Component</h1>

3- You have to export the component as a nodejs module in commonjs syntax like the following:

module.exports = App;

4- Importing JSX Component Should be using View.importJsx function which will recognize that this file is jsx syntax

const Home = View.importJsx("./views/Home.jsx");
// importing {View} is mandatory
const {Server, View, Router} = require("grandjs/lib");
// typescript
import {Server, View, Router} from "grandjs/src";
// import Home Page
const Home = View.importJsx("./views/Home.jsx");
const router = new Router({base: "/"})

    url: "/",
    method: "GET",
    handler: (req, res) => {
        return res.status(200).render(Home, {})
Server.setConfig({port: 3000});

Built With


  • Tarek Salem - Initial work - github


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • url-pattern
  • Handlebars template engine
  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration



Package last updated on 26 Apr 2020

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