hapi-auth-facebook so you can:
:+1: Easy Facebook Authentication for Hapi Apps
Facebook Hapi plugin with detailed documentation.
Facebook authentication is used everywhere! We wanted to create a reusable Hapi Plugin with readable code.
A simple and easy Hapi plugin that gives you Facebook OAuth Authentication in a few steps.
If you're new to Hapi, check out: https://github.com/dwyl/learn-hapi
A guide for how we built an app to login with facebook with no prior knowledge.
Step 1: Upgrade your personal Facebook account to a developer account
Go to developers.facebook.com/apps
...after logging in to your facebook account, you can 'Register Now' for a developer account.
Step 2: Select what platform your app is on
Step 3: Skip to create an App
On this page, you can click the button in the top right to quickly access your app's id.
Step 4: Create App
Here you can specify your app's name (doesn't have to be unique!)
Note: Copy the App ID and the Secret into your .env
Step 5: Specify Redirect URI
Inside the facebook app's advanced settings, specify the redirect URI near the bottom of the page:
Note: the redirect URI has to be an absolute URI - make sure you include the http://
Step 6: Make a request in your Hapi server
In your hapi server, make a request to the following url specifying your individual app-id
and redirect-uri