Preprocessor to compile Handlebars on the fly.
Forked from hanachin's code (kudos!)
Only works with Karma 0.9 or later which enables custom plugins.
For more information on Karma see the homepage.
- Install Karma and karma-osx-reporter plugin. The plugin requires Karma 0.9+, but Karma's stable version is now 0.10 so it's pretty easy.
a. Globally. System-wide with karma
available on command line.
npm install -g karma
npm install -g karma-handlebars-preprocessor
b. Locally. If you want to install Karma to your project instead, add the dependencies to package.json
and run npm install
"devDependencies": {
"karma": ">=0.9",
"karma-handlebars-preprocessor": "*"
If you install locally, you'll need to run Karma using `node_modules/.bin/karma`.
In any case, the plugin needs to be installed as a peer dependency to Karma (i.e. in the sibling folder). This just means you cannot use global Karma with local plugins or vice-versa.
- Define it as a reporter in the config file
preprocessors: {
'**/*.hbs': 'handlebars'
or pass through the command line
$ karma start --preprocessors handlebars karma.conf.js
You can configure default behaviour in the handlebarsPreprocessor
section of the config file. The following shows the default implementation:
module.exports = function(config) {
preprocessors: {
'**/*.hbs': ['handlebars']
handlebarsPreprocessor: {
templates: "Handlebars.templates",
templateName: function(filepath) {
return filepath.replace(/^.*\/([^\/]+)\.hbs$/, '$1');
transformPath: function(path) {
return path.replace(/\.hbs$/, '.js');
Note on version
This plugin precompiles templates using handlebars.js version 1.0.0
. You'll need to provide handlebars.runtime.js of the same version in your page.
MIT License