Lisk Core
Lisk is a next-generation crypto-currency and decentralized application platform, written entirely in JavaScript. The official documentation about the whole ecosystem can be found in
Lisk Core is the program that implements the Lisk Protocol. In other words, Lisk Core is what every machine needs to set-up to run a node that allows for participation in the network.
This document details how to install Lisk Core from source and from npm registry, but there are two other ways to participate in the network: binaries and Docker images.
If you have satisfied the requirements from the Pre-Installation section, you can jump directly to the next section Installation Steps.
The following dependencies need to be installed in order to run applications created with the Lisk SDK:
Dependencies | Version |
NodeJS | 18.16 |
You can find further details on installing these dependencies in our pre-installation setup guide.
Clone the Lisk Core repository using Git and initialize the modules.
From Source
git clone
cd lisk-core
git checkout master
npm ci
npm run build
./bin/run --help
From NPM
$ npm install -g lisk-core
$ lisk-core COMMAND
running command...
$ lisk-core (-v|--version|version)
lisk-core/3.1.1 darwin-arm64 node-v18.16.1
$ lisk-core --help [COMMAND]
$ lisk-core COMMAND
Command Topics
Managing Lisk Node
To start a Lisk Core node as a background process, we recommend using a process management tool, such as PM2.
Example using PM2
npm i -g pm2
pm2 start "lisk-core start" --name lisk-mainnet
pm2 status
pm2 logs lisk-mainnet
For a more advanced options refer to PM2 documentation.
Configuring Lisk Node
lisk-core start
supports flag and environment variable options to configure a node.
Also, custom configuration through JSON file is available through the --config, -c
NOTE: When running Lisk Core on MacOS, please configure network.port
to use some other port other than 5000
. Starting with MacOS Monterey (version 12), it now uses the port 5000
for its AirPlay Receiver functionality. It can alternatively be configured with --port
or -p
command line flag or the LISK_PORT
environment variable when starting Lisk Core.
With custom config file ./custom-config.json
"network": {
"port": 5000,
"transactionPool": {
"maxTransactions": 8096,
"maxTransactionsPerAccount": 1024,
"forging": {
"delegates": [{
"encryptedPassphrase": "iterations=10&cipherText=0dbd21ac5c154dbb72ce90a4e252a64b692203a4f8e25f8bfa1b1993e2ba7a9bd9e1ef1896d8d584a62daf17a8ccf12b99f29521b92cc98b74434ff501374f7e1c6d8371a6ce4e2d083489&iv=98a89678d1ccd054b85e3b3c&salt=c9cb4e7783cacca6c0e1c210cb9252e1&tag=5c66c5e75a6241538695fb16d8f0cdc9&version=1",
"hashOnion": {
"count": 10000,
"distance": 1000,
"hashes": [
"address": "9cabee3d27426676b852ce6b804cb2fdff7cd0b5"
"plugins": {
"httpApi": {
"port": 7000,
Running a command will overwrite the default config and use the specified options.
lisk-core start -n devnet -c ./custom-config.json
For a more detailed understanding of configuration read this online documentation.
Automated tests
All automated tests will run with the below command.
npm test
Running a local development node
In order to run a node for a local test, in a root folder of lisk-core, run below command.
./bin/run start -n devnet --data-path ./devnet-data --port 3333 --api-ws --enable-http-api-plugin --http-api-plugin-port 3334 --enable-forger-plugin
This command will start a lisk-core node using data path ./devent-data
with HTTPAPI and Forger Plugins.
Data on the node can be obtained by commands like
./bin/run node:info --data-path ./devnet-data
./bin/run block:get 3 --data-path ./devnet-data
Copyright 2016-2022 Lisk Foundation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.