Material-UI-dropzone is a React component using Material-UI and is based on the excellent react-dropzone library.
This components provide either a file-upload dropzone or a file-upload dropzone inside of a dialog.
The file-upload dropzone features some snazzy "File Allowed/Not Allowed" effects, previews and alerts.
npm install --save material-ui-dropzone
This is the component:

When you drag a file onto the dropzone, you get a neat effect:

And if you drop in a wrong type of file, you'll get yelled at:

DropzoneArea Component
This components creates the dropzone, previews and snackbar notifications without a dialog
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import {DropzoneArea} from 'material-ui-dropzone'
class DropzoneAreaExample extends Component{
this.state = {
files: []
files: files
return (
export default DropzoneAreaExample;
DropzoneArea Component Properties
Name | Type | Default | Description |
acceptedFiles | Array | ['image/*', 'video/*', 'application/*'] | A list of file mime types to accept. Does support wildcards. |
filesLimit | Number | 3 | Maximum number of files that can be loaded into the dropzone |
maxFileSize | Number | 3000000 | Maximum file size (in bytes) that the dropzone will accept |
showPreviews | Boolean | false | Shows previews BELOW the Dropzone |
showPreviewsInDropzone | Boolean | true | Shows preview INSIDE the dropzone |
showAlerts | Boolean | true | shows styled snackbar alerts when files are dropped, deleted or rejected. |
DropzoneArea Component Events
Name | Return Params | Description |
onChange | files(array) | Fired when the user drops files into dropzone or deletes a file. Returns all the files currently loaded into the dropzone. |
onDrop | files(array) | Fired when the user drops files into the dropzone. Returns the files dropped |
onDropRejected | files(array) | Fired when a file is rejected because of wrong file type, size or goes beyond the filesLimit. Returns the files that were rejected |
onDelete | file | Fired when a file is deleted from the previews panel. |
DropzoneDialog Component
This component provides the dropzone inside of a dialog.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {DropzoneDialog} from 'material-ui-dropzone'
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
export default class DropzoneDialogExample extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
open: false,
files: []
handleClose() {
open: false
handleSave(files) {
files: files,
open: false
handleOpen() {
open: true,
render() {
return (
<Button onClick={this.handleOpen.bind(this)}>
Add Image
acceptedFiles={['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp']}
DropzoneDialog Component Properties
Name | Type | Default | Description |
open | Boolean | false | Required. Sets whether the dialog is open or closed |
acceptedFiles | Array | ['image/*', 'video/*', 'application/*'] | A list of file mime types to accept. Does support wildcards. |
filesLimit | Number | 3 | Maximum number of files that can be loaded into the dropzone |
maxFileSize | Number | 3000000 | Maximum file size (in bytes) that the dropzone will accept |
showPreviews | Boolean | false | Shows previews BELOW the Dropzone |
showPreviewsInDropzone | Boolean | true | Shows preview INSIDE the dropzone |
showAlerts | Boolean | true | shows styled snackbar alerts when files are dropped, deleted or |
DropzoneDialog Component Events
Name | Return Params | Description |
onSave | files(array) | Fired when the user clicks the Submit button. |
onClose | event | Fired when the modal is closed |
onChange | files(array) | Fired when the user drops files into dropzone OR deletes a file. Returns all the files currently loaded into the dropzone. |
onDrop | files(array) | Fired when the user drops files into the dropzone. Returns the files dropped |
onDropRejected | files(array) | Fired when a file is rejected because of wrong file type, size or goes beyond the filesLimit. Returns the files that were rejected |
onDelete | file | Fired when a file is deleted from the previews panel. |