Migration toolkit for node.js with baselining and versioning integrity checks.
- Migrations depend on data schema versions
- Migrations running in transactions
- Baselining existing databases to skip duplicate migrations
npm install --save muv
You should also install knex
as it's a peer dependency of this package.
First, init project with knex init
, add migrations with muv create
, and then:
$ muv <command> [options]
status Shows current schema-, baseline version, and pending migrations
log Lists executed migrations since baseline (pass -v to show all)
baseline Move baseline to a specified migration
up Performs all pending migrations
down Rollbacks last migration
make Makes a migration with a given name in migrations directory
Options for "up" and "down":
up --to, -t <name> Migrate upto specific version
down --to, -t <name|0> Migrate downto specific version or to baseline if 0
(up|down) --dry-run, d Only show list of potential changes without exeuting
Options for "baseline:
baseline Query current schema version and baseline
baseline --to, -t <name> Move baseline to a specified version
Options for "make:
make <name> Make a timestamped migration file with a given name
Global options:
--cwd Specify the working directory
--knexfile Specify the knexfile path ($cwd/knexfile.js)
--migrations Specify migrations path ($cwd/migrations)
--env Specify environment ($KNEX_ENV || $NODE_ENV || 'development')
--verbose, -v Be more verbose
$ muv status # query current status
$ muv up # migrate everyting
$ muv up --to 20160905 # migrate to a given version
$ muv down --to 0 # rollback all migrations (downto baseline)
$ muv down # rollback single migration
$ muv baseline # shows current version and baseline
$ muv baseline --to 201701 # sets baseline to a new version
Thank you