Radio Box List
Angular 2 radiobox list component with theming, no dependencys and customizable styles
Getting Started
npm install ng2-radioboxlist --save
Checking before using
this component assume that run under Angular2 application, so has this implicit dependency:
"@angular/common": "^4.4.0-RC.0",
"@angular/core": "4.4.0-RC.0",
"rxjs": "5.4.3"
Simple Use
import { RadioBoxList } from 'ng2-radioboxlist/radioboxlist.js';
declarations: [
export class AppComponent {
title = 'app';
listItemToPass:any[] = [
{id:1, color:"white"},
{id:2, color:"red"},
{id:3, color:"blue"},
{id:4, color:"green"}
checkboxStyles:string[] = ["container:greenClass, shadow", "title:whiteClass"];
console.log("selected item -> ", event);
insert selector
[title]="'choose a color'"
[id] ="'id'"
[value] = "'color'"
[styles] = "checkboxStyles"
[preselected]="'1'" //id to preselect as string
(selected) = "itemSelectedManager($event)"
you can style by applying class to container, title, input and label passing a string or an array of string to [styles] input property.
String format is: "<container|title|input|label>:, , ..., "
Array format simply is an array of these strings.
in code sample 'checkboxStyles' is so declared:
checkboxStyles:string[] = ["container:greenClass, shadow", "title:whiteClass"];
example of how it is rendered

example of reading listSelected property

it's also possible set a theme [dark or light] using input property theme:
[title]="'choose a color'"
[id] ="'id'"
[value] = "'color'"
[theme] = "'dark'"
(listSelected) = "itemSelectedManager($event)"
For using css file theme you have to set styles property in .angular-cli.json like so:
"styles": [
[IMPORTANT] if you are under ng serve command you have to stop and repeat command (.angular-cli.json isn't watch by angular compiler)
Dark Theme screeshoot

Light Theme screenshoot

Built With
Luigi Senzamici
This project is licensed under the MIT License
Release note
1.1.0 - bug fix on reading id setted
1.1.1 - adding input-struct and label-struct classes to default classes
1.1.2 - bug fix on styles
1.2.0 - adding preselected property
1.2.1/1.2.2 - bugfix on selection