Oasis Compile

Oasis-compile is a truffle compiler extension used to compile both Solidity
and Rust contracts with or without confidentiality. It is expected to run
within the context of the Oasis Contract-Kit, particularly for the use of
compiling Rust contracts.
oasis-compile [command?]
- default compiles all Solidity and Rust contracts in contracts/ outputing artifacts to
. - clean removes all compiled output from truffle and oasis-compile.
To ensure your contracts are properly compiled, place them in the contracts/
directory, relative to the root of your truffle project. For Rust, this includes your contract crate.
To compile your contracts with confidentiality, prepending b'\0enc'
to a contract's bytecode, name either your solidity contract or rust crate directory of the form confidential_*
or confidential-*
. For example, confidential_MyContract.sol
or confidential-my-rust-contract
To integrate this into your truffle project, npm install the package and add the following to your truffle-config.js
compilers: {
external: {
command: "./node_modules/.bin/oasis-compile",
targets: [{
path: "./.oasis-build/*.json"
For examples, see https://github.com/oasislabs/oasis-box.