Programmatically find open ports with Node.js
To install Portastic you can simply use NPM:
npm install portastic
Finding all opened doors within a range:
port = require('portastic');
options = {
min : 8000,
mas : 8005
port.find(options, function(err, data){
throw err;
If you wan't to retrieve just one or more doors you can pass it in the options:
options = {
min : 8000,
max : 8005,
retrieve : 1
You can also test ports:
port.test(80, function(err, data){
throw err;
if(data == false)
console.log('The port isn\'t opened.');
console.log('The port is opened!');
If you wan't to test an array of door, you sure can:
port.test([80, 93, 8001, 22], function(err, data){
throw err;
// 'data' will be an array with the opened doors only
console.log('Opened doors:', data);
Command line
You can use Portastic in the command line too:
npm install -g portastic
This will install portastic globally, now it's up to you to call it. Display the help with:
portastic -h
If you wan't to run tests on portastic locally you will need to follow this steps:
cd /path/to/portastic/folder
npm install vows
npm test