What is postman-collection-transformer?
The postman-collection-transformer npm package is a utility library for transforming Postman collections between different versions and formats. It allows users to convert collections to and from various Postman schema versions, making it easier to manage and maintain API collections.
What are postman-collection-transformer's main functionalities?
Convert Collection to Latest Version
This feature allows you to convert a Postman collection from an older version (e.g., 1.0.0) to the latest version (e.g., 2.1.0). This is useful for updating collections to be compatible with the latest Postman features.
const transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer');
const collectionV1 = { /* V1 collection JSON */ };
transformer.convert(collectionV1, { inputVersion: '1.0.0', outputVersion: '2.1.0' }, (err, collectionV2) => {
if (err) { console.error(err); }
else { console.log(collectionV2); }
Convert Collection to Specific Version
This feature allows you to convert a Postman collection from a newer version (e.g., 2.1.0) to an older version (e.g., 1.0.0). This can be useful for backward compatibility with tools or environments that only support older versions.
const transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer');
const collectionV2 = { /* V2 collection JSON */ };
transformer.convert(collectionV2, { inputVersion: '2.1.0', outputVersion: '1.0.0' }, (err, collectionV1) => {
if (err) { console.error(err); }
else { console.log(collectionV1); }
Validate Collection
This feature allows you to validate a Postman collection against a specific version schema. It helps ensure that the collection conforms to the expected structure and format.
const transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer');
const collection = { /* collection JSON */ };
transformer.validate(collection, { version: '2.1.0' }, (err, result) => {
if (err) { console.error(err); }
else { console.log(result); }
Other packages similar to postman-collection-transformer
The postman-collection package provides a set of utilities for working with Postman collections, including creating, manipulating, and validating collections. While it offers some transformation capabilities, it is more focused on general collection management compared to the specialized transformation features of postman-collection-transformer.
The swagger-jsdoc package allows you to generate Swagger (OpenAPI) documentation from JSDoc comments in your code. While it is not specifically for Postman collections, it serves a similar purpose of transforming API documentation formats. It is more focused on generating documentation rather than transforming between different collection versions.
The openapi-to-postmanv2 package converts OpenAPI (Swagger) definitions to Postman collections. It is similar to postman-collection-transformer in that it deals with transforming API documentation formats, but it specifically focuses on converting OpenAPI specs to Postman collections rather than transforming between different Postman collection versions.
Postman Collection Transformer 
Perform rapid conversion of JSON structure between Postman Collection Format v1 and v2.
The formats are documented at https://schema.postman.com
For CLI usage:
$ npm install -g postman-collection-transformer
As a library:
$ npm install --save postman-collection-transformer
Converting Entire Collections
The transformer provides a Command line API to convert collections.
$ postman-collection-transformer convert \
--input ./v1-collection.json \
--input-version 2.0.0 \
--output ./v2-collection.json \
--output-version 1.0.0 \
--pretty \
All options:
$ postman-collection-transformer convert -h
Usage: convert [options]
Convert Postman Collection from one format to another
-h, --help output usage information
-i, --input <path> path to the input postman collection file
-j, --input-version [version] the version of the input collection format standard (v1 or v2)
-o, --output <path> target file path where the converted collection will be written
-p, --output-version [version] required version to which the collection is needed to be converted to
-P, --pretty Pretty print the output
--retain-ids Retain the request and folder IDs during conversion (collection ID is always retained)
-w, --overwrite Overwrite the output file if it exists
If you'd rather use the transformer as a library:
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
collection = require('./path/to/collection.json'),
inspect = require('util').inspect,
options = {
inputVersion: '1.0.0',
outputVersion: '2.0.0',
retainIds: true
transformer.convert(collection, options, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
console.log(inspect(result, {colors: true, depth: 10000}));
Converting Individual Requests
The transformer also allows you to convert individual requests (only supported when used as a library):
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
objectToConvert = { },
options = {
inputVersion: '1.0.0',
outputVersion: '2.0.0',
retainIds: true
transformer.convertSingle(objectToConvert, options, function (err, converted) {
Converting Individual Responses
You can convert individual responses too if needed:
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
objectToConvert = { },
options = {
inputVersion: '1.0.0',
outputVersion: '2.0.0',
retainIds: true
transformer.convertResponse(objectToConvert, options, function (err, converted) {
Normalizing v1 collections
The transformer also provides a Command line API to normalize collections for full forward compatibility.
$ postman-collection-transformer normalize \
--input ./v1-collection.json \
--normalize-version 1.0.0 \
--output ./v1-norm-collection.json \
--pretty \
All options:
$ postman-collection-transformer normalize -h
Usage: normalize [options]
Normalizes a postman collection according to the provided version
-i, --input <path> Path to the collection JSON file to be normalized
-n, --normalize-version <version> The version to normalizers the provided collection on
-o, --output <path> Path to the target file, where the normalized collection will be written
-P, --pretty Pretty print the output
--retain-ids Retain the request and folder IDs during conversion (collection ID is always retained)
-w, --overwrite Overwrite the output file if it exists
-h, --help Output usage information
If you'd rather use the transformer as a library:
var transformer = require('postman-collection-transformer'),
collection = require('./path/to/collection.json'),
inspect = require('util').inspect,
options = {
normalizeVersion: '1.0.0',
mutate: false,
noDefaults: false,
prioritizeV2: false,
retainEmptyValues: false,
retainIds: true
transformer.normalize(collection, options, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error);
console.log(inspect(result, {colors: true, depth: 10000}));