Quantstamp Component Library and Style Guide
powered by webpack flavored React Styleguidist
This repo is configured to be toolset friendly with Next.js using styled-jsx for the CSS.
The idea being to clone down this repo into your project's component folder to make use of company wide React components.
How to import into a Next.js project:
From your Next.js project folder
cd components
git clone git://github.com/quantstamp/qs-ui-library.git
Then to source the component in your page or top level component
import MyComponent from '../components/qs-up-library/MyComponent'
<MyComponent someprop="someVal">
How to start locally for development:
(pre-reqs: node/npm, nvm, git)
nvm use
git clone git://github.com/quantstamp/qs-ui-library.git
cd qs-ui-library
npm i
npx styleguidist server
then open http://localhost:6060 in your browser.