className | additional css class of root dom node | String | '' |
prefixCls | prefix class | String | '' |
animation | dropdown animation name. only support slide-up now | String | '' |
transitionName | dropdown css animation name | String | '' |
choiceTransitionName | css animation name for selected items at multiple mode | String | '' |
dropdownMatchSelectWidth | whether dropdown's with is same with select | bool | true |
dropdownClassName | additional className applied to dropdown | String | - |
dropdownStyle | additional style applied to dropdown | Object | {} |
dropdownAlign | additional align applied to dropdown | Object | {} |
dropdownMenuStyle | additional style applied to dropdown menu | Object | {} |
notFoundContent | specify content to show when no result matches. | String | 'Not Found' |
placeholder | select placeholder | React Node | |
showSearch | whether show search input in single mode | bool | true |
searchPlaceholder | search input placeholder | React Node | |
allowClear | whether allowClear | bool | false |
tags | when tagging is enabled the user can select from pre-existing options or create a new tag by picking the first choice, which is what the user has typed into the search box so far. | bool | false |
maxTagTextLength | max tag text length to show | number | - |
combobox | enable combobox mode(can not set multiple at the same time) | bool | false |
multiple | whether multiple select | bool | false |
disabled | whether disabled select | bool | false |
filterOption | whether filter options by input value. default filter by option's optionFilterProp prop's value | bool | true/Function(inputValue:string, option:Option) |
optionFilterProp | which prop value of option will be used for filter if filterOption is true | String | 'value' |
optionLabelProp | which prop value of option will render as content of select | String | 'value' |
defaultValue | initial selected option(s) | String/Array | - |
value | current selected option(s) | String/Array/{key:String, label:React.Node}/Array<{key, label}> | - |
labelInValue | whether to embed label in value, see above value type | Bool | false |
onChange | called when select an option or input value change(combobox) | function(value) | - |
onSearch | called when input changed | function | - |
onSelect | called when a option is selected. param is option's value and option instance | Function(value, option:Option) | - |
onDeselect | called when a option is deselected. param is option's value. only called for multiple or tags | Function(value) | - |
defaultActiveFirstOption | whether active first option by default | bool | true |
getPopupContainer | container which popup select menu rendered into | function(trigger:Node):Node | function(){return document.body;} |