React Fela
Official React bindings for Fela.
This package only includes React bindings for [ Fela](
It assumes you already know about Fela and how to use it.
Learn about Fela!
npm i --save react-fela
The package is also available on npmcdn for those not using npm.
You need to include React and Fela on your own as well.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<Provider renderer>
The <Provider>
component should wrap your whole application. It only accepts a single prop which is your Fela Renderer.
It uses React's context to pass down the Renderer's render function. It actually is all you need to fully use Fela within your React application.
import { Provider } from 'react-fela'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import React from 'react'
const renderer = new Renderer(mountNode, { })
<Provider renderer={renderer}>
<App />
Your components can now directly use the render function as fela
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react'
const App = (props, { fela }) => {
const className = fela(selector, { color: 'blue' })
return (
<div className={className}>
I am blue. (Da ba dee da ba di)
App.contextTypes = { fela: PropTypes.func }
export default App
const selector = props => ({
fontSize: '12px',
fontWeight: 300,
color: props.color,
padding: '10px'
Helper HoCs
I have found that there are some recurring patterns on how to actually render your selectors and keyframes. To simplify those, this package provides two HoCs (Higher-order Components).
They only help to write clean and readable code. You do not have to use them nor do they ship any new feature you could not accomplish without.
Used to automatically bind the component's props to the render function. This especially fits well if you follow the pattern of presentational and container components as the props passed to your component basically describe how a presentational component looks like. It passes the modified render function via props.
Optionally pass a custom mapper to alter the shape of the props passed to Fela.
const EnhancedApp = bindPropsToFela()(App)
const mapper = props => ({
fontSize: props.size
const EnhancedApp = bindPropsToFela(mapper)(App)
Similar to bindPropsToFela
but with a more dynamic nature. It binds the current component state to Fela's render function.
This is especially useful if you want to modify styles based on user input or user interaction. It adds the modified render function to the component itself (this.fela
You may also pass a mapper to alter the shape. It also accepts the component's props as second parameter.
It only works with stateful class components as functional components do not have state at all.
const EnhancedApp = bindStateToFela()(App)
const mapper = (state, props) => ({
fontSize: state.size,
paddingLeft: props.padding,
paddingRight: props.padding
const EnhancedApp = bindStateToFela(mapper)(App)
Fela is licensed under the MIT License.
Documentation is licensed under Creative Common License.
Created with ♥ by @rofrischmann.