react-intl-locale-manager is a CLI utility created to aid in the extraction and manteinance of react-intl messages. It uses @babel/core and babel-plugin-react-intl under the hood to handle message extraction.
- Extract messages from source files.
- Detect duplicate IDs.
- Get information about added and deleted IDs and languages.
- Get information about empty translation keys.
yarn add react-intl-locale-manager
npm install --save react-intl-locale-manager
The best way to obtain information about the usage is to use the tool's internal help:
locale-manager --help
Usage: locale-manager [options] [files..]
files Files to be seached for translations. Every glob pattern in this list will be expanded. [string]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-l, --languages Comma-separated list of language codes to support. A translation will be generated and mantained for every code in this list. [string]
-f, --out-file Path to the file where the extracted messages will be output in a single JSON object grouped by locale. [string]
-d, --out-dir Path to the directory where the extracted messages will be output generating a [locale].json file for each locale. [string]
-i, --ignore Glob pattern designationg the files to exlcude from the translation process.To define more than one ignore pattern, just list the flag multiple times. [string]
--module-source-name The ES6 module source name of the React Intl package. [string]
--additional-component-names Comma separated list of component names to extract messages from. Note that default we check for the fact that 'FormattedMessage' is imported from '--module-source-name' to make sure variable alias works. This option does not do that so it's less safe., [string]
--extract-from-format-message-call Opt-in to extract from 'intl.formatMessage' calls with the restriction that it has to be called with an object literal such as 'intl.formatMessage({ id: 'foo', ...}) [boolean]
$0 -l en,es -d ./locales -i src/**/*.test.js -i src/**/*.spec.js src/**/*.js
$0 --extract-from-format-message-call -l en,es -f locales.json src/**/*.tsx
For additional information, visit: https://github.com/murar8/react-intl-locale-manager
If you would like to make a contribution to the project you can fork it then submit a pull request.
Please note that this projects uses semantic-release following the Angular Commit Message Conventions, so version bumping is completely automated. In order to ensure the commit messages follow the specification, you can use the commit
script in package.json
. The README.md
are automatically generated when pushing the code to the repository. To modify the readme, edit README_template.md
Pre-commit checklist
| |
Run the unit tests | yarn test:unit |
Build the project | yarn build |
Run the integration tests. | yarn test:integration |