What is react-joyride?
react-joyride is a React component that helps you create guided tours for your web applications. It allows you to highlight elements, provide step-by-step instructions, and enhance user onboarding experiences.
What are react-joyride's main functionalities?
Creating a Basic Tour
This code demonstrates how to create a basic tour with react-joyride. It defines a series of steps, each with a target element and content, and then renders the Joyride component with these steps.
import React from 'react';
import Joyride from 'react-joyride';
const App = () => {
const steps = [
target: '.my-first-step',
content: 'This is my first step!'
target: '.my-second-step',
content: 'This is my second step!'
return (
<Joyride steps={steps} />
<div className="my-first-step">First Step</div>
<div className="my-second-step">Second Step</div>
export default App;
Customizing Tour Appearance
This code shows how to customize the appearance of the tour. You can change the primary color, z-index, and other styles to match your application's design.
import React from 'react';
import Joyride, { STATUS } from 'react-joyride';
const App = () => {
const steps = [
target: '.my-first-step',
content: 'This is my first step!',
styles: {
options: {
zIndex: 10000,
return (
options: {
primaryColor: '#e91e63',
zIndex: 10000,
<div className="my-first-step">First Step</div>
export default App;
Controlling Tour Programmatically
This code demonstrates how to control the tour programmatically. You can start the tour with a button click and handle the tour's status changes using a callback function.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Joyride, { STATUS } from 'react-joyride';
const App = () => {
const [run, setRun] = useState(false);
const steps = [
target: '.my-first-step',
content: 'This is my first step!'
const handleJoyrideCallback = (data) => {
const { status } = data;
if ([STATUS.FINISHED, STATUS.SKIPPED].includes(status)) {
return (
<button onClick={() => setRun(true)}>Start Tour</button>
<div className="my-first-step">First Step</div>
export default App;
Other packages similar to react-joyride
reactour is another React library for creating guided tours. It offers a simple API and is highly customizable. Compared to react-joyride, reactour is more lightweight but may lack some advanced features.
shepherd.js is a JavaScript library for creating guided tours that can be used with React. It provides a more flexible and powerful API compared to react-joyride, but it requires more setup and configuration.
intro.js is a standalone JavaScript library for creating step-by-step guides and feature introductions. It can be integrated with React and offers a wide range of customization options. It is more feature-rich but also more complex to use compared to react-joyride.
React Joyride

View the demo here.
npm install --save react-joyride
var react = require('react/addons');
var joyride = require('react-joyride').Mixin;
var App = React.createClass({
mixins: [React.addons.PureRenderMixin, joyride],
This mixin changes state often so you should use React.addons.PureRenderMixin
in your components as well.
If your are using SCSS:
@include 'react-joyride/lib/styles/react-joyride'
Or include this directly in your html:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="react-joyride/lib/styles/react-joyride.css" type="text/css">
Getting Started
Add steps to your tour after your component is mounted.
componentDidMount: function () {
Start the tour with:
Change the initial options during componentWillMount
. All optional
{object} - One or more of the options below.
keyboardNavigation {bool}: Toggle keyboard navigation (esc, space bar, return). Defaults to true
locale {object}: The strings used in the tooltip. Defaults to { back: 'Back', close: 'Close', last: 'Last', next: 'Next', skip: 'Skip' }
scrollOffset {number}: The scrollTop offset used in scrollToSteps
. Defaults to 20
scrollToSteps {bool}: Scroll the page to the next step if needed. Defaults to true
showBackButton {bool}: Display a back button. Defaults to true
showOverlay {bool}: Display an overlay with holes above your steps. Defaults to true
showSkipButton {bool}: Display a link to skip the tour. It will trigger the completeCallback
if it was defined. Defaults to false
showStepsProgress {bool}: Display the tour progress in the next button e.g. 2/5 in guided
tours. Defaults to false
tooltipOffset {number}: The tooltip offset from the target. Defaults to 30
type {string}: The type of your presentation. It can be guided
(played sequencially with the Next button) or single
. Defaults to guided
completeCallback {function}: It will be called after an user has completed all the steps or skipped the tour completely and passes the steps {array}
and if the tour was skipped {boolean}
. Defaults to undefined
stepCallback {function}: It will be called after each step and passes the completed step {object}
. Defaults to undefined
componentWillMount: function () {
locale: {
back: 'Voltar',
close: 'Fechar',
last: 'Último',
next: 'Próximo',
skip: 'Pular'
showSkipButton: true,
tooltipOffset: 10,
stepCallback: function(step) {
completeCallback: function(steps) {
this.joyrideAddSteps(steps, [start])
Add steps to your tour. You can call this method multiple times even after the tour has started.
{object|array} - Steps to add to the tourstart
{boolean} - Starts the tour right away (optional)
title: "",
text: "...",
selector: "...",
position: "..."
this.joyrideReplaceSteps(steps, [start])
Add steps to your tour. You can call this method multiple times even after the tour has started.
{object|array} - Steps to replacerestart
{boolean} - Starts the new tour right away. Defaults to true
title: "",
text: "...",
selector: "...",
position: "..."
], true);
Call this method to start the tour if it wasn't already started with this.joyrideAddSteps()
{boolean} - Starts the tour with the first tooltip opened.
Retrieve the current progress of your tour. The object returned looks like this:
index: 2,
percentageComplete: 50,
step: {
title: "...",
text: "...",
selector: "...",
position: "..."
Step Syntax
There are 4 usable options but you can pass extra parameters.
: The title of the tooltip (optional)text
: The tooltip's body (required)selector
: The target DOM selector of your step (required)position
: Relative position of you beacon and tooltip. It can be one of these: right
, left
, top
, top-left
, top-right
, bottom
, bottom-left
, bottom-right
and center
. This defaults to top
title: 'First Step',
text: 'Start using the joyride',
selector: '.first-step',
position: 'bottom-left',
name: 'my-first-step',
parent: 'MyComponentName'
SCSS Options
: The base color. Defaults to #f04
: Defaults to 1500
: Defaults to rgba(#000, 0.5)
: Defaults to $joyride-color
: Defaults to 36px
: Defaults to 4px
: Defaults to 0 0 15px rgba(#000, 0.5)
: You must use even numbers to avoid half-pixel inconsistencies. Defaults to 28px
: Defaults to #fff
: Defaults to 8px
: The header and text color. Defaults to #555
: Defaults to 16px
: Defaults to 20px
: Defaults to drop-shadow(2px 4px 4px rgba(#000, 0.5))
: Sass list of Mobile / Tablet / Desktop sizes. Defaults to (290px, 360px, 450px)
: Defaults to $joyride-tooltip-header-color
: Defaults to 20px
: Defaults to $joyride-color
: Defaults to 1px
: Defaults to $joyride-color
: Defaults to #fff
: Defaults to 4px
: Defaults to $joyride-color
: Defaults to #ccc
Copyright © 2015 Gil Barbara - MIT License
Inspired by react-tour-guide and jquery joyride tour