A react-native marquee label component.
If you need a vertical marquee label, please use react-native-lahk-marquee-label-vertical.

- Desc
- Install
- Usage
- Props
- Update Log
- 中文介绍
Skip this part, go to #Install
I needed a marquee label in one of my recent project and I didn't find a good one online, so I decided to create my own marquee label component.
I intended to make it work well on both iOS and Android, still there remains one thing in iOS which I cannot fix. I found that in iOS, when you use View
component to wrap child components and don't explicitly set the parent View
component width (e.g. use flex
), the parent View
component will have the same width as it's child.
It becomes a problem in this custom component because I use a child View
component to wrap Text
component in order to make the text expand and show in one line. I set the text containner View
component size to be bigger than the Text
so that it will not have multiple lines nor have the overflow text replaced by ellipsis. The default value of text container width is 1000, which is usually larger than the actual label width. This results in the problem mentioned above, the wrapper View
width becomes 1000 also.
<View class="marquee-label">
<View class="marquee-label-text-container">
<Text class="marquee-label-text">{text}</Text>
- In Andorid, you can use both
or flex
to layout the view. - In iOS, use
to layout the view. flex
layout is not supported.
npm install --save react-native-lahk-marquee-label
- Import
import MarqueeLabel from 'react-native-lahk-marquee-label';
- Use
text={'This is a Marquee Label.'}
textStyle={{ fontSize: 13, color: 'white' }}
textStyle={{ fontSize: 13, color: 'white' }}
This is a Marquee Label.
: string, the text to show in the marquee. Alternative to text
: string, the text to show in the marquee. Alternative to children
: number(unit: millisecond), the duration for the marquee to run one round. e.g. 6000 (for 6 seconds a round). Alternative to speed
: number(unit: px/s, px per second), the speed of the marquee. Alternative to duration
: stylesheet object, background view component custom styles.textStyle
: stylesheet object, text component custom styles.textContainerWidth
: number, text container component width. If the text is not shown in one line, increase this value.textContainerHeight
: number, text container component height. If the text is not shown in one line, increase this value.textContainerStyle
: stylesheet object, not recommended to use, text containner component custom style.
Update Log
2017.08.21 Version 1.1.0
- Dynamic Text Support: now you can use dynamic text with this component :D
跳转到 #install
本来打算让它可以在 iOS 和 Android 平台上都好用的,不过还是在 iOS 平台上存在一个问题没法解决。
我发现在 iOS 平台上,当使用 View
组件来包裹子组件的时候,如果没有显示设置父级 View
组件的宽度(width 样式)(比如用 flex
布局),那么父级 View
我的跑马灯组件中的问题在于,我用了一个子级 View
组件来包裹 Text
组件以保证文字是在一行全部显示。通过将 text container 的宽度设置得比 Text
组件宽度大,保证了文字不会换行,也不会用省略号替换溢出文字。 text container 默认宽度为 1000,这比一般的跑马灯标签实际宽度要大。而这也就导致了上述的问题,最外层的 View
的宽度也变成了 1000。
<View class="marquee-label">
<View class="marquee-label-text-container">
<Text class="marquee-label-text">{text}</Text>
- 在 Android 平台上,通过
或者 flex
布局来设置最外层 View
的样式都没问题。 - 在 iOS 平台上,请使用并且只能使用