Formerly sequelize-singleton.
sequelize-connect is a simple singleton wrapper for the sequelize ORM, making it easier to configure and build models with Sequelize.
Configuring sequelize-connect
NOTE: sequelize-connect
must be configured upon app initialization, prior to accessing your models
The sequelize-connect connect()
method accepts the same parameters as the Sequelize() object database, username, password, options
. It is important to configure the discover
array of the set of paths where your models should be discovered.
var orm = require('sequelize-connect'); = [__dirname + '/models'];
dialect: "mysql",
port: 3306
Upon connect()
sequelize-connect will ASYNCHRONOUSLY recurse through all of the subfolders located at the provided file paths looking for any files with the naming default convention *.model.js
. Connect will return a Promise that is called on it's completion.
Connection String
You can use a connection string to connect as well:
dialect: "mysql",
port: 3306
Custom matcher
If you prefer to define your own naming convention instead of the default you can create a custom matching function which receives the file name as the parameter returns a boolean
indicating if sequelize-connect should attempt to load the file as a model.
This function should be attached to matcher
like so:
orm.matcher = function(file){
return true;
return false;
Accessing sequelize
After connecting you can access the sequelize instance and models wherever you need!
var orm = require('sequelize-connect');
var sequelize = orm.sequelize;
var Sequelize = orm.Sequelize;
var models = orm.models;
var User = models.User;
Defining Models
Models are defined as per the suggestion the article here: All associations are done via the class method associate
which is injected with the models object.
"use strict";
module.exports = function(sequelize, DataTypes) {
var User = sequelize.define("User", {
username: DataTypes.STRING
}, {
classMethods: {
associate: function(models) {
return User;
Logging is done via the winston, the winston object can be accessed at via orm.logger
. If you want to control the log level you can do it like so:
orm.logger.level = "debug";