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Algolia server-side index updater and client-side search component for Svelte projects

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Svelte Algolia

Svelte Algolia

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Utility for server-side Algolia index updates plus a client-side search component for Svelte apps. Only adds a single dependency on client and server: algoliasearch.

The server-side part of this package was inspired by gatsby-plugin-algolia.


There are three steps to setting up svelte-algolia. First, get it from NPM, then setup your server-side index updates and finally integrate the client-side search component into your UI.


Install with yarn

yarn add -D svelte-algolia

or (p)npm

npm i -D svelte-algolia

Server Side

  1. Create an algoliaConfig object:

    import 'dotenv/config' // optional
    function loadPokedex() {
      const json = fs.readFileSync(`../package/tests/fixtures/pokedex.json`, `utf8`)
      return JSON.parse(json).map(el => ({ ...el, id: el.someUniqAttribute }))
    const algoliaConfig = {
      appId: process.env.ALGOLIA_APP_ID,
      apiKey: process.env.ALGOLIA_ADMIN_KEY,
      indices: [
        { name: `Pokedex`, getData: loadPokedex },
        { name: `Hitchhiker's Guide`, getData: guideLoader },
     settings: {
       attributesToHighlight: [`name`],

    The getData function is expected to return an array of objects containing the data you wish to index (a product catalog, blog posts, documentation pages, pokémons or whatever). Each object in the data array should have a key named id, _id or objectID for Algolia to recognize it and overwrite existing data where appropriate.

    The settings object applies to all indices. You can also pass a settings object to each index individually which overrides the general one.

  2. Pass your config to indexAlgolia:

    import { indexAlgolia } from 'svelte-algolia'

    You can call this function wherever you'd like to update your indices. Typically, you would include this in every production build of your app.

Config Options
const defaultConfig = {
  verbosity: 1, // 0, 1 or 2 for no/some/lots of logging
  partialUpdates: false, // if true, figures out diffs between existing
  // items and new ones and only uploads changes, otherwise, completely
  // overwrites each index on every call to indexAlgolia()
  matchFields: [], // (only used when partialUpdates is true) keys of fields to check
  // for whether an item has changed; could e.g. be a timestamp, hash or an ID that's
  // updated every time the item has changed; if not provided, items are checked for
  // deep-equality to discover changes which can become slow for thousands of items
  settings: {}, // an object of Algolia index settings that applies to all indices
  // see for available options
  // can be overridden for individual indices by passing a settings object as part of the indices array:
  // indices = [{ name: `pokedex`, ..., settings: { foo: `bar` }}],
Auto-update Indices during Builds

To use this package as part of a build process (e.g. in a SvelteKit app), simply call indexAlgolia in your build config:

// svelte.config.js
import { indexAlgolia } from 'svelte-algolia'

const algoliaConfig = {
  // see above

// only update Algolia indices on production builds (saves Algolia API quota)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === `production`) indexAlgolia(algoliaConfig)

Client Side

<Search /> needs your Algolia app's ID and search key to access its search indices as well as a mapping from index to corresponding Svelte-component that should render hits (items matching searches in that index). Each hit component receives a hit object as prop with all attributes stored in the Algolia index.

  import Search from 'svelte-algolia'
  import PokemonHit from '../components/PokemonHit.svelte'

  const appId = '0OJ5UL9OJX'
  const searchKey = '63f563566cdd6de606e2bb0fdc291994'

    indices={{ Pokedex: PokemonHit }}
    placeholder="Search Pokedex" />

For example, the PokemonHit.svelte component on the demo site looks like this:

  export let hit


    <li>Type: {@html hit.type.join(`, `)}</li>
    <li>Height: {@html hit.height}</li>
    <li>Weight: {@html hit.weight}</li>
    <li>Weaknesses: {@html hit.weaknesses.join(`, `)}</li>
  <img src={hit.img} alt={hit.nameOrig} />

  /* highlights text matching the search string */
  :global(em) {
    color: darkcyan;
    line-height: 1.2em;
    border-radius: 3pt;
    font-style: normal;
  div {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;

Substrings in attributes matching the current search string will be wrapped in <em> which need the {@html ...} tag to be rendered correctly but can then be styled to highlight why a particular hit matches the current search string. The original value (i.e. without <em> tags) of every highlighted attribute is available as hit.[attr]Orig. See hit.nameOrig above.


Search.svelte offers the following CSS variables that can be passed in directly as props:

  • var(--iconColor)
  • var(--headingColor)
  • var(--inputBg)
  • var(--inputColor)
  • var(--hitsBgColor, white)
  • var(--hitsShadow, 0 0 2pt black)

For example:

  indices={{ Pages: SearchHit, Posts: SearchHit }}
  {appId} {searchKey}
  --iconColor="var(--linkColor)" />

The top level element is an aside with class svelte-algolia. So you can also style the entire DOM tree below it by defining global styles like

:global(aside.svelte-algolia input button svg) {
  /* this would target the search icon */
:global(aside.svelte-algolia div.results section h2) {
  /* this would target the heading shown above the list of results for each index */


Some sites using svelte-algolia in production:

Using svelte-algolia yourself? Submit a PR to add your site here!

Want to contribute?

PRs are welcome but best open an issue first to discuss changes.

The repo is split into two workspaces, the package itself and the demo site. The app ID and search key .env were intentionally committed so you can clone this repo and work on it without having to create your own index first. To get a dev server running locally so you can try out changes in package as you make them, use

git clone
cd svelte-algolia/site
sed -i.bak 's/name: `Pokedex`/name: `Pokedex Clone`/' site/svelte.config.js
yarn dev

Note the sed command that changes the index name in site/svelte.config.js from 'Pokedex' to 'Pokedex Clone' so you don't accidentally mess up the search index for this demo site while developing.



Last updated on 14 May 2021

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