This is the Wordnik Swagger code for the express framework. For more on Swagger, please visit For more on express, please visit
READ MORE about swagger!
See the swagger website or the swagger-core wiki, which contains information about the swagger json spec.
Try a sample! The source for a functional sample is available on github:
Adding swagger to your express-based API
Include swagger.js in your app and add express as the app handler:
var express = require("express")
, url = require("url")
, swagger = require("swagger-node-express");
var app = express();
You can optionally add a validator function, which is used to filter the swagger json and request operations:
function validate(req, path, httpMethod) {
if ("POST" == httpMethod || "DELETE" == httpMethod || "PUT" == httpMethod) {
var apiKey = req.headers["api_key"];
if (!apiKey) {
apiKey = url.parse(req.url,true).query["api_key"]; }
if ("special-key" == apiKey) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
You now add models to the swagger context. Models are described in a JSON format, per the swagger model specification. Most folks keep them in a separate file (see here for an example), or you can add them as such:
Next, add some resources. Each resource contains a swagger spec as well as the action to execute when called. The spec contains enough to describe the method, and adding the resource will do the rest. For example:
var findById = {
'spec': {
"description" : "Operations about pets",
"path" : "/pet.{format}/{petId}",
"notes" : "Returns a pet based on ID",
"summary" : "Find pet by ID",
"method": "GET",
"params" : [swagger.pathParam("petId", "ID of pet that needs to be fetched", "string")],
"responseClass" : "Pet",
"errorResponses" : [swagger.errors.invalid('id'), swagger.errors.notFound('pet')],
"nickname" : "getPetById"
'action': function (req,res) {
if (!req.params.petId) {
throw swagger.errors.invalid('id'); }
var id = parseInt(req.params.petId);
var pet = petData.getPetById(id);
if(pet) res.send(JSON.stringify(pet));
else throw swagger.errors.notFound('pet');
Adds an API route to express and provides all the necessary information to swagger.
Finally, configure swagger with a public
URL and version:
swagger.configure("", "0.1");
and the server can be started:
Now you can open up a swagger-ui and browse your API, generate a client with swagger-codegen, and be happy.
Other Configurations
.{format} suffix removal
If you don't like the .{format} or .json suffix, you can override this before configuring swagger:
swagger.configureSwaggerPaths("", "/api-docs", "");
That will put the resource listing under /api-docs
, and ditch the .{format}
on each of the apis you're adding to. Make sure to set the paths correctly in your spec configuration though, like such:
var findById = {
'spec': {
"description" : "Operations about pets",
"path" : "/pet/{petId}",
"notes" : "Returns a pet based on ID",
Mapping swagger to subpaths
To add a subpath to the api (i.e. list your REST api under /api
or /v1
), you can configure express as follows:
var app = express();
var subpath = express();
app.use("/v1", subpath);
Now swagger and all apis configured through it will live under the /v1
path (i.e. /v1/api-docs.json
Allows-origin and special headers
If you want to modify the default headers sent with every swagger-managed method, you can do so as follows:
swagger.setHeaders = function setHeaders(res) {
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', "*");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT");
res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, X-API-KEY");
res.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
If you have a special name for an api key (such as X-API-KEY
, per above), this is where you can inject it.