Node wrapper for webpage test to handle running tests and pushing to mongo through mongoose
Getting Started
Clone down the webpagetest repo
$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:hxshortbreaks/webpagetest-wrappe.git
Get all the built-in dependencies:
$ npm install
Fill in config.json with API Key, server url, database url & sites you want to test
API key - Key for your server, if your using webpagetest this can be aquired from Patrick Meenan pmeenan@webpagetest.org
serverUrl - URL to request our tests from, default webpagetest.org
databaseUrl - Where does your database live e.g. mongodb://localhost/speedTestResults
webPageTestOptions - List all options you want to pass into the webpagetest node wrapper
Sites - Bundle of sites put down for us to loop over e.g.
"1" : "www.siteone.com",
"2" : "www.sitetwo.co.uk"
If you are running locally
Download monogdb & run the following command from inside the directory
$ mongod --dbpath /PATH/TO/webpagetest-wrapper.git
In another window, in the same directory, run the following command.
$ mongo
Make sure your mongo server is up and running
Now lets make it go
$ node index.js
Will run through and individually run each test one at a time and close down the connection after its finished
Working on The Works
Notes on coding style
Code is linted by ".jshintrc" and checked against the coding style guide "shortbreaks.jscs.json" when you run the default grunt task:
$ grunt
There are currently no tests
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Release History
(Nothing yet)
Copyright (c) 2014 Shortbreaks
Licensed under the MIT license.