A transport for winston that utilises Airbrake
npm install winston-airbrake2
Once installed just add the airbrake transport to your winston with your apiKey:
var winston = require('winston');
winston.add(require('winston-airbrake2').Airbrake, {
apiKey: 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
var message = 'This is my error message';
winston.log('error', message, new Error(message));
Important: to get a meaningful error message logged to your Airbrake project you need to pass an Error object as the meta in winston.
Passing an error object will add a stack trace to Airbrake which will allow you to better debug the error:
var message = 'Something went wrong';
winston.log('error', message, new Error(message));
winston.error(message, new Error(message));
All of the options from the node-airbrake module are available.
Option | Default | Description |
apiKey | null | (Required) The apikey that allows you to post to a specific project, this can be found in the project settings. |
level | 'error' | (Optional) The level that dictates which logs go to airbrake. by default all error messages will be sent. |
host | 'http://' + os.hostname() | (Optional) The information that is displayed within the URL of the Airbrake interface. |
env | process.env.NODE_ENV or 'development' | (Optional) The environment will dictate what happens with your message. If your environment is currently one of the 'developmentEnvironments', the error will not be sent to Airbrake. |
timeout | 30000 | (Optional) The maximum time allowed to send to Airbrake in milliseconds. |
developmentEnvironments | ['development', 'test'] | (Optional) The environments that will not send errors to Airbrake. |
projectRoot | null | (Optional) Extra information sent to Airbrake |
appVersion | null | (Optional) Extra information sent to Airbrake |
consoleLogError | false | (Optional) Toggle the logging of errors when the current environment is in developmentEnvironments |
npm test