
A Telegram transport for winston.

$ npm install winston@3
$ npm install winston-telegram@2
Looking for winston-telegram@1.x
Documentation below is for winston-telegram@2
. Read the winston-telegram@1.x
const logger = require('winston')
const TelegramLogger = require('winston-telegram')
logger.add(new TelegramLogger(options))
- token: The Telegram bot authentication token. [required]
- chatId: The chatid you want to send to. [required]
- level: Level of messages that this transport should log. [optional] [default info]
- unique: Whether to log only the declared level and none above. [boolean] [optional]
- silent: Whether to suppress output. [boolean] [optional]
- disableNotification: Sends the message silently. [boolean] [optional]
- template: Format output message. [string] [optional]
- formatMessage: Format output message by own method. [function] [optional]
- handleExceptions: Handle uncaught exceptions. [boolean] [optional]
- batchingDelay: Time in ms within which to batch messages together. [integer] [optional] [default 0 or disabled]
- batchingSeparator: String with which to join batched messages with [string] [default "\n\n"]
String template is based on named arguments:
'{level}' -> level of messages
'{message}' -> text of messages
'{metadata}' -> metadata object of messages
Take a look at the examples