Automate sentiment analysis tool
Author : Sazin Reshed Samin
autosentiment is an open source library that generates sentiment type(positive,negetive,neutral) pie char,percentage,number and ternary value for pandas dataframe text portion.
- Usage
For analysis the seintiment type in positive,negetive or neutral
- Setup in normal environment and command window:
pip install autosentiment
- Setup in jupyter notebook:
!pip install autosentiment
- Import library :
import autosentiment as at
- The library is pandas dataframe dependent.
Have to get dataframe('text columns') and give to command.
Like df['text]
- sentiment type pie chart :
- sentiment type amount :
Get the sentiment type(postive,negetive,neutral numbers)
- sentiment percentage :
Get the percentage of sentiment type
Get the type of all text, here -1:negetive, 0:neutral, 1:positive
- An example usages
>>import autosentiment as at
>>import pandas as pd
>>Positve : 33.31 %, Negetive 20.96 %, Neutral : 45.72 %
>>{'positive ': 1087, 'negetive': 684, 'neutral': 1492}
>>[-1, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,.......,1]