Hurricane Electric DNS <https://dns.he.net>
_ Authenticator plugin for Certbot <https://certbot.eff.org>
Install cerbot-dns-he <https://pypi.org/project/certbot-dns-he/>
_ to your Certbot's environment with pip. For example, the line below works for me after running certbot-auto
.. code-block:: bash
$ sudo /opt/eff.org/certbot/venv/bin/pip install cerbot-dns-he
You can also use git+https://github.com/TSaaristo/certbot-dns-he.git
or clone the repository and install from the directory, but pip is recommended.
Example usage
Create a configuration file with your username and password:
.. code-block:: ini
certbot_dns_he:dns_he_user = Me
certbot_dns_he:dns_he_pass = my HE password
and chmod it to 600
.. code-block:: bash
$ chmod 600 dns_he.ini
Then request a certificate with something like:
.. code-block:: bash
$ certbot-auto certonly
-a certbot-dns-he:dns-he --certbot-dns-he:dns-he-propagation-seconds 30
--certbot-dns-he:dns-he-credentials /home/me/dns_he.ini -d 'mydomain.com,*.mydomain.com'
--server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --agree-tos
--manual-public-ip-logging-ok --preferred-challenges dns -m me@email.com
You're done!
| --certbot-dns-he:dns-he-propagation-seconds
controls the duration waited for the DNS record(s) to propagate.
| --certbot-dns-he:dns-he-credentials
specifies the configuration file path.
These are stored in cerbot's renewal configuration, so they'll work on your automatic renewals.