Django Feedback Form
Minified JQuery & Ajax feedback/report form to handle fast customer requests in
Django. You can use it as a fast feedback tool and/or to report objects (e.g.
in case of abuse).
You need at least the following packages in your virtualenv:
- Django
- django-mailer
- django-libs
To get the latest stable release from PyPi::
$ pip install django-feedback-form
To get the latest commit from GitHub::
$ pip install -e git://
Add the app to your INSTALLED_APPS
Run the migrations to create the app's database tables::
$ ./ migrate feedback_form
First of all add the feedback urls to your main
url(r'^feedback/', include('feedback_form.urls')),
You can use the "normal" feedback view via /feedback/
but in almost every
case you might want to use the ajax template tag. Just add the following code
to e.g. your base.html::
{% load feedback_tags %}
{% feedback_form %}
Pretty ugly, eh? Now, you need to add css and js for sure, like this::
{% load staticfiles %}
<link href="{% static "feedback_form/css/feedback_form.css" %}" type="text/css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "feedback_form/js/feedback_form.js" %}"></script>
That's it!
You can also use this app as a report tool. Simply call another url::
<a href="{% url "feedback_form_content_object" c_type='user' %}">Report this user!</a>
You can easily customize your form by changing static files or by changing the
following settings
By default the text color is white like '#fff'
By default the background color is light blue like '#6caec9'
By default the text in the form is invisible. Just add the html markup you want
to be displayed above the input fields, like::
<h3>Hi! Do you have feedback or questions?</h3>
<p>We'll answer as fast as possible.</p>
Default: False
Sends a confirmation email to the feedback poster.