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Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies



Tool to facilitate and accelerate Flex operations.

  • 0.1.dev429
  • PyPI
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Just trying to make flex operations faster for all teams.

Table of Contents

Bug/Feature Bounty Hunters

Bounty HunterBugs foundFeatures suggestedPR mergedBounties
Gustavo BONASSO4127
Hugo TALBOT0134
Guillaume GAY1203
Bowen ZHANG1001
Julius SANTUA0101
Julien PENVEN0101

See for full history


Git (click here to download)
Python 3.10 (click here to download)


Install python

  • link above
sudo apt install pipx
pipx ensurepath # verify pipx is in PATH
brew install pipx
pipx ensurepath # verify pipx is in PATH

Install FTBX

pipx install ftbx
ftbx init

Configure autocompletion

ftbx --install-completion

Then open a new terminal and you will get autocompletions by pressing 'tab'.

Update FTBX

ftbx update


pipx install ftbx --upgrade


You can use the flag --help with any command to show the command arguments (see below).

$ ftbx --help
 Usage: ftbx COMMAND [ARGS] [OPTIONS]...                                                                                    
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion          Install completion for the current shell.                                                     │
│ --show-completion             Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.              │
│ --help                        Show this message and exit.                                                                   │
╭─ Commands ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ assert             Asserts some statement(s) or condition(s). Returns 'True' or 'False'.                                    │
│ compare            Compares objects between environments. Saves the result(s) in 'compare_env1_env2/'.                      │
│ connect            Connects to an environment. Environment file is located at '~/.ftbx/environments'.                       │
│ create             Creates templated objects in an environment.                                                             │
│ env                Displays all available environments and their urls, aliases, versions and usernames.                     │
│ fail               Fail object instances (requirements: connection to the servers and `consul_host`/`consul_token`)         │
│ init               Initializes the flex-toolbox. This is the first command you must run upon installation.                  │
│ launch             Launches a job or workflow with the given parameters.                                                    │
│ list               Lists objects from an environment. Saves the results as CSV and JSON files in 'lists/'.                  │
│ metadataDesigner   Opens the metadata designer in your default web browser.                                                 │
│ pull               Pulls objects from environment(s) as files and folders.                                                  │
│ push               Creates or updates objects in one of multiple environments. Generates backups before pushing.            │
│ query              Queries an environment, useful as postman replacement. Saves the results in 'query.json'.                │
│ restore            Restores objects to a previous point in time.                                                            │
│ retry              Retries object instances in an environment either from API filters or from a file (csv or json).         │
│ setup              Setup the API documentation (in 'docs/') and the SDK (in 'sdks/') for a given flex version.              │
│ update             Updates the toolbox to the latest version.                                                               │
│ workflowDesigner   Opens the workflow designer for a given workflow in an environment.                                      │
$ ftbx retry --help
 Usage: ftbx retry OBJECT_TYPE [OPTIONS]                                                                   
 Retries object instances in an environment either from API filters or from a file (csv or json).                              
 - ftbx retry jobs --in cs-sbx # retry all failed jobs                                                                         
 - ftbx retry jobs --filters 'name=ftbx-script' 'createdFrom=22 Jul 2024'                                                      
 - ftbx retry workflows --file 'lists/failed_workflows.csv' --in cs-sbx                                                        
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type      OBJECT_TYPE:{jobs|workflows}  [default: None] [required]                                              │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in             TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                   │
│ --filters        TEXT  ex: 'name=ftbx-script' 'createdFrom=22 Jul 2024'                                                     │
│ --file           TEXT  ex: 'lists/failed_jobs.csv' 'lists/failed_jobs.json' (from 'ftbx list') [default: None]              │
│ --help                 Show this message and exit.                                                                          │


$ ftbx update

This command fetches the latest version of the toolbox.


$ ftbx connect --help
 Usage: ftbx connect ENV_OR_URL [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] [OPTIONS]                                                             
 Connects to an environment. Environment file is located at '~/.ftbx/environments'.                                            
 - ftbx connect '' my_user --alias cs-sbx --version 2024.5.0  # first time             
 - ftbx connect cs-sbx  # once you successfully connected                                                                      
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    env_or_url      TEXT        ex: [default: None] [required]                    │
│      username        [USERNAME]  [default: None]                                                                            │
│      password        [PASSWORD]  [default: None]                                                                            │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --alias          TEXT  ex: cs-sbx, wb-prod [default: None]                                                                  │
│ --version        TEXT  ex: 2022.5.7, 2024.4.5 [default: latest]                                                             │
│ --help                 Show this message and exit.                                                                          │

Note: If you're looking for how to connect to self-signed environments, see here.

1. Connect to a new environment
# connect without showing password (will prompt you to input password and hide characters)
ftbx connect "" "username" --alias "devstaging" --version "2022.5.7"

# connect with plain password
ftbx connect "" "username" "my_password" --alias "devstaging"

2. Connect to a known environment (must be in ~/.ftbx/environments)
ftbx connect "devstaging"

ftbx connect "cs-sbx"

3. Display available default environments
ftbx env
DEFAULT       ALIAS       VERSION                          URL                             USERNAME  
   -           ae-preprod   latest     masteruser
   -              ae-prod   latest             masteruser
   -           crown-prod   latest           masteruser
   -    cs-sandbox-master   latest     masteruser
   X               cs-sbx   latest       dnaisse
   -              fm-prod   latest           masteruser
   -             hbo-prod   latest                  masteruser
   -               hm-dev   latest       dnaisse
   -              hm-prod   latest       dnaisse
   -             ioc-prod   latest          dalet_support
   -             mbn-prod   latest               masteruser
   -             mse-prod   latest       masteruser
   -            pbsd-prod   latest                   masteruser
   -         peloton-prod   latest                   dnaisse
   -               wb-dev 2022.5.8         dnaisse
   -              wb-prod 2022.5.7              dnaisse
   -               wb-stg 2022.5.7          dnaisse
4. Connect to self-signed environments

Environments deployed with a self-signed certificate are not trusted by default. In order to trust this certification authority, set the environment variable REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE to the path to the certificate of the root certification authority. Like:

export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/path/to/cert

# Windows - PowerShell
Set-Item Env:REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE "path\to\cert"
Download Flex root certificate authority certificate

This can be done with most web browser. But here is a command for POSIX system.

echo quit | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername "" -connect > cacert.pem


$ ftbx setup --help
 Usage: ftbx setup [OPTIONS]                                                                                                
 Setups the API documentation (in 'docs/') and the SDK (in 'sdks/') for a given flex version.                                  
 - ftbx setup --version latest                                                                                                           
 - ftbx setup --version 2022.5.7                                                                                                         
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --version        TEXT  [default: latest]                                                                                    │
│ --help                 Show this message and exit.                                                                          │

Note: you have to be connected to the dlt-fw-uk-UDP4-1120-full-config VPN to be able to retrieve the SDK.

1. Setup
# 2022.5.7
ftbx setup --version "2022.5.7"

# latest
ftbx setup --version "latest"


$ ftbx query --help
 Usage: ftbx query METHOD URL [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                   
 Queries an environment, useful as postman replacement. Saves the results in 'query.json'.                                                                                                                         
 - ftbx query GET 'assets/12345/annotations'                                                                                                                                                                         
 - ftbx query POST 'actions/3332/actions' --payload 'action=disable'  # disable an action                                                                                                                            
 - ftbx query GET 'collections' --from 'cs-sbx'                                                                                                                                                                        
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    method      METHOD:{GET|PATCH|POST|PUT|DELETE}  [default: None] [required]                                                                                                                                 │
│ *    url         TEXT                          ex: 'assets/1234/annotations' 'actions/3332/configuration' [default: None] [required]                                                                            │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --from                      TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                            │
│ --payload                   TEXT  ex: 'action=enable' 'action=disable' or 'payload.json'                                                                                                                        │
│ --stdout     --no-stdout          Whether to display the result in the terminal [default: no-stdout]                                                                                                            │
│ --help                            Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                   │

1. Query absolutely everything
ftbx query GET "actions/410"
# Env alias
ftbx query GET "actions/410" --from "cs-sbx"
# Print query response to terminal
ftbx query GET "actions/410" --stdout

# POST/PUT (same args as above, plus --payload)
ftbx query PUT "actions/410/configuration" --payload "payload.json"

# Cancel a failed job with command line arguments
ftbx query POST "jobs/1213/actions" --payload "action=cancel"


$ ftbx list --help
 Usage: ftbx list OBJECT_TYPE [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                            
 Lists objects from an environment. Saves the results as CSV and JSON files in 'lists/'.                                                                                                                           
 - ftbx list actions  # list all actions                                                                                                                                                                           
 - ftbx list jobs --filters 'status=Failed' 'name=ftbx-script' --from 'cs-sbx' --name 'failed_cs-sbx_jobs'                                                                                                               
 - ftbx list actions --post-filters 'concurrentJobsLimit>0' --from 'cs-sbx'  # all actions with concurrency > 0                                                                                                      
 - ftbx list assets --filters 'fql=(name~PACKAGE and deleted=false)' --name 'live_packages'  # using fql                                                                                                           
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type      OBJECT_TYPE:{accounts|actions|assets|collections|eventHandlers|events|groups|jobs|messageTe  [default: None] [required]                                                                   │
│                       mplates|metadataDefinitions|objectTypes|profiles|quotas|resources|roles|tagCollections|task                                                                                               │
│                       Definitions|tasks|taxonomies|timedActions|userDefinedObjectTypes|users|variants|wizards|wor                                                                                               │
│                       kflowDefinitions|workflows|workspaces}                                                                                                                                                    │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --filters             TEXT    ex: 'status=Running' 'name=asset_name'                                                                                                                                              │
│ --post-filters        TEXT    ex: 'configuration.instance.execution-lock-type=NONE' 'concurrentJobsLimit>0'                                                                                                       │
│ --from                TEXT    [default: default]                                                                                                                                                                  │
│ --from-csv            TEXT    ex: 'lists/asset_list.csv' [default: None]                                                                                                                                          │
│ --name                TEXT    Name under which the JSON and CSV files should be saved [default: None]                                                                                                             │
│ --batch-size          INTEGER The batch size for the API number of results [default: None]                                                                                                                        │
│ --help                        Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                         │

1. List anything
# List all actions 
ftbx list actions

# List all assets with fql in the default env
ftbx list assets --filters "fql=(mimetype~mp4)" --name "mp4Assets"

# List all assets with fql from wb-stg
ftbx list assets --filters "fql=(mimetype~mp4)" --name "mp4Assets" --from wb-dev

# List 5 jobs in a failed status 
ftbx list jobs --filters "status=Failed" "limit=5" --name "failedJobs"

# List scripts that contains "createJob"
ftbx list actions --filters "type=script" --post-filters "configuration.instance[text]~createJob"

# List jobs for which the last (-1) history message is an error message containing "getName()" in its stackTrace
ftbx list jobs --filters "name=basic-long-running-action" --post-filters "[-1].stackTrace~getName()"

# List all actions with concurrency > 0 from default env
ftbx list actions --post-filters "concurrentJobsLimit>0" --name "jobsWithConcurrentLimit"

# List workflows that completed, and get some metadata fields from the asset the workflow was on
ftbx list workflows --filters "name=my_workflow" "status=Completed" --post-filters "asset.metadata.instance.general-info.sha1!=None" "asset.fileInformation.currentLocation!=None"

# List all workflows in a corrupted state
ftbx list workflows --filters "status=Running" --post-filters "[-1].status!=Running"

# List events of type 'Login Failed' from April 1, 2024 to May 14, 2024
ftbx list events --filters "eventType=Login Failed" "from=01 Apr 2024" "to=14 May 2024"

# List account properties
ftbx list accountProperties --from "cs-sbx"

Note: FQL search has a max number of results of 10 000, so if you need any more than that, you will have to split your FQL search in multiples other ones.


$ ftbx pull --help
 Usage: ftbx pull OBJECT_TYPE [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                         
 Pulls objects from environment(s) as files and folders.                                                                                                                                                           
 - ftbx pull jobs 12345 --from 'cs-sbx'  # pull job 12345
 - ftbx pull all --from 'wb-dev' 'wb-stg' 'wb-prod' # pull every config objects                                                                                                                                          
 - ftbx pull actions  # pull all actions                                                                                                                                                                           
 - ftbx pull workflowDefinitions --filters 'name=ftbx-workflow' --from 'cs-sbx' --with-dependencies                                                                                                                    
 - ftbx pull workflowDefinitions ftbx-workflow --from 'cs-sbx' --with-dependencies  # same as above
╭─ Arguments ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type            OBJECT_TYPE:{all|accounts|actions|assets|collections|eventHandlers|e  [default: None] [required]                                           │
│                             vents|groups|jobs|messageTemplates|metadataDefinitions|objectTypes|p                                                                       │
│                             rofiles|quotas|resources|roles|tagCollections|taskDefinitions|tasks|                                                                       │
│                             taxonomies|timedActions|userDefinedObjectTypes|users|variants|wizard                                                                       │
│                             s|workflowDefinitions|workflows|workspaces}                                                                                                │
│      object_name_or_id      [OBJECT_NAME_OR_ID]                                                   [default: None]                                                      │
╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --filters                                        TEXT  ex: 'status=Running' 'name=asset_name'                                                                          │
│ --post-filters                                   TEXT  ex: 'configuration.instance.execution-lock-type=NONE' 'concurrentJobsLimit>0'                                   │
│ --from                                           TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                              │
│ --with-dependencies    --without-dependencies          Whether to also pull the objects dependencies [default: without-dependencies]                                   │
│ --help                                                 Show this message and exit.                                                                                     │

1. Pull anything
# Pull **ALL** actions
ftbx pull actions # default env
ftbx pull actions --from "wb-stg"

# Pull actions matching filters
ftbx pull actions --filters "name=set-asset-metadata" --from "wb-stg"
ftbx pull actions --filters "id=309" # default env
ftbx pull actions --filters "enabled=true" # default env
ftbx pull actions --filters "type=script" --from "wb-stg"
ftbx pull actions --filters "type=script" "enabled=true" # default env

# Pull **ALL**
ftbx pull all
ftbx pull all --from "wb-stg"

# Pull env actions with dependencies
ftbx pull actions --with-dependencies # default env

# Pull all actions where script contains ""
ftbx pull actions --post-filters "configuration.instance[text]"

# Pull workflow definitions with dependencies
ftbx pull workflowDefinitions --filters "name=ingest-workflow" --with-dependencies

# Pull actions from several envs at the same time
ftbx pull actions --from "wb-dev" "wb-stg" "wb-prod" --filters "name=set-asset-metadata"

# Pull account properties
ftbx pull accountProperties --from "cs-sbx"


$ ftbx create --help
 Usage: ftbx create OBJECT_TYPE PLUGIN OBJECT_NAME [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                                                
 Creates templated objects in an environment.                                                                                                                                                                      
 - ftbx create actions script 'my-script' --in cs-sbx                                                                                                                                                              
 - ftbx create actions decision 'my-decision' --in cs-sbx                                                                                                                                                          
 - ftbx create wizards launchWorkflow 'my-launch-workflow-wizard' --in cs-sbx                                                                                                                                      
 - ftbx create accountProperties default 'my-account-property' --in cs-sbx                                                                                                                                      
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type      OBJECT_TYPE:{accountProperties|actions|wizards}  [default: None] [required]                                                                                                               │
│ *    plugin           PLUGIN:{default|decision|script|launchWorkflow}  [default: None] [required]                                                                                                               │
│ *    object_name      TEXT                                             [default: None] [required]                                                                                                               │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in          TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                                          │
│ --help              Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                                 │

1. Create items
# Create a script action in default environment
ftbx create actions script "set-asset-metadata"

# Create a script action in a specific environment
ftbx create actions script "set-asset-metadata" --in "wb-stg"

# Create a decision action 
ftbx create actions decision "check-asset-status" --in "wb-stg"

# Create a launchWorkflow wizard
ftbx create wizards launchWorkflow "launch-my-workflow"


$ ftbx push --help
 Usage: ftbx push OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_NAMES... [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                             
 Creates or updates objects in one or multiple environments. Generates backups before pushing.                                                                                                                     
 - ftbx push actions 'ftbx-script' --push-to-failed-jobs 'all'  # update action and push to all failed jobs                                                                                                                  
 - ftbx push actions 'ftbx-script' 'ftbx-decision'  # update two actions                                                                                                                                           
 - ftbx push actions 'ftbx-script' --from 'wb-dev' --to 'wb-stg' 'wb-prod'  # create action in stg and prod                                                                                                        
 - ftbx push workflowDefinitions 'ftbx-workflow' --from 'wb-dev' --to 'wb-stg' --with-dependencies  # with dependencies                                                                                            
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type       OBJECT_TYPE:{accounts|actions|assets|eventHandlers|groups|jobs|messageTemplates|metadataDef  [default: None] [required]                                                                  │
│                        initions|profiles|quotas|resources|roles|taskDefinitions|tasks|timedActions|userDefinedObje                                                                                              │
│                        ctTypes|users|variants|wizards|workflowDefinitions|workflows|workspaces}                                                                                                                 │
│ *    object_names      OBJECT_NAMES...                                                                              [default: None] [required]                                                                  │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --from                                             TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                     │
│ --to                                               TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                     │
│ --retry                  --no-retry                      Whether to also retry the given job [default: no-retry]                                                                                                │
│ --listen                 --no-listen                     Whether to get the logs of the job in the terminal [default: no-listen]                                                                                │
│ --push-to-failed-jobs                              TEXT  'all' OR csv file containing failed jobs to push the config to and retry (from 'ftbx list') [default: None]                                            │
│ --with-dependencies      --without-dependencies          Whether to also push the objects dependencies [default: without-dependencies]                                                                          │
│ --help                                                   Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                            │

1. Push anything
# Push action to an env
ftbx push actions check-end-node-wf # from default env to default env

# Push job and retry it (yes, you can pull jobs directly and tweak their code in your IDE)
ftbx push jobs 294036 --retry

# Push job, retry it but also LISTEN to it (logs will appear in your terminal)
ftbx push jobs 294036 --retry --listen

# Push updated action to **ALL** corresponding failed jobs and retry them
ftbx push actions "check-end-node-wf" --push-to-failed-jobs "all"

# Push updated action to failed jobs contained in .CSV or .JSON and retry them
ftbx push actions "check-end-node-wf" --push-to-failed-jobs "failed_jobs.csv"
ftbx push actions "check-end-node-wf" --push-to-failed-jobs "failed_jobs.json"

# LIST + PUSH with RETRY flow: push & retry failed jobs created after given date
ftbx list jobs --filters "name=check-end-node-wf" "createdFrom=20 Dec 2023"
ftbx push actions "check-end-node-wf" --push-to-failed-jobs "list.json"
ftbx push actions "check-end-node-wf" --push-to-failed-jobs "list.csv"

# Push (create, or update) action from wb-dev to wb-stg AND wb-prod (yes)
ftbx push actions "set-asset-metadata" --from "wb-dev" --to "wb-stg" "wb-prod"  

# Push/update workflow definition WITHOUT updating the resources configuration
ftbx push workflowDefinitions "Get Or Compute Asset Checksum" --from "templates" --to "cs-sandbox-ovh-flex-config" --with-dependencies

# Push workflow definition with ALL its dependencies (actions, resources...)
ftbx push workflowDefinitions "Get Or Compute Asset Checksum" --from "templates" --to "cs-sandbox-ovh-flex-config" --with-dependencies --include-resources

# Push accountProperties
ftbx push accountProperties "my-account-property"


$ ftbx fail --help
 Usage: ftbx fail OBJECT_TYPE [OBJECT_IDS] [OPTIONS]...                                                                  
 Fail object instances (requires to be connected to the servers and `consul_host` and `consul_token` in `~/.ftbx/environments`).                                  
 - ftbx fail jobs 1234 5678 91011  # fail the 3 jobs in the default environment                                                    
 - ftbx fail jobs --from-file 'lists/failed_jobs.csv'                                                                              
 - ftbx fail jobs --from-file 'lists/failed_jobs.json'                                                                             
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type      OBJECT_TYPE:{jobs}  [default: None] [required]                                                            │
│      object_ids       [OBJECT_IDS]...     [default: None]                                                                       │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --from-file        TEXT  ex: 'lists/failed_jobs.csv [default: None]                                                             │
│ --in               TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                     │
│ --help                   Show this message and exit.                                                                            │

1. Fail instances
# Fail a job with id 12345
ftbx fail jobs 12345

# Fail multiple jobs
ftbx fail jobs 1234 5678 91011

# Fail jobs from file
ftbx fail jobs --from-file 'lists/failed_jobs.csv'
ftbx fail jobs --from-file 'lists/failed_jobs.json'


$ ftbx restore --help
 Usage: ftbx restore OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_NAME BACKUP_NAME [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                          
 Restores objects to a previous point in time.                                                                                                                                                                     
 - ftbx restore actions 'ftbx-script' '2024-08-30 09h50m38s' --in 'cs-sbx'                                                                                                                                           
 - ftbx restore assets 12345 '2024-07-23 09h50m38s' --in 'cs-sbx'                                                                                                                                                    
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type      OBJECT_TYPE:{accounts|actions|assets|eventHandlers|groups|jobs|messageTemplates|metadataDef  [default: None] [required]                                                                   │
│                       initions|profiles|quotas|resources|roles|taskDefinitions|tasks|timedActions|userDefinedObje                                                                                               │
│                       ctTypes|users|variants|wizards|workflows|workspaces}                                                                                                                                      │
│ *    object_name      TEXT                                                                                         [default: None] [required]                                                                   │
│ *    backup_name      TEXT                                                                                         [default: None] [required]                                                                   │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in          TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                                          │
│ --help              Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                                 │

1. Restore backup (in object_type/object_name/backup)
ftbx restore actions "set-tech-metadata-dpx" "2023-10-10 15h53m43s" --in "wb-prod"


$ ftbx compare --help
 Usage: ftbx compare OBJECT_TYPE ENVIRONMENTS... [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                                          
 Compares objects between environments. Saves the result(s) in 'compare_env1_env2/'.                                                                                                                               
 - ftbx compare actions 'wb-dev' 'wb-stg' 'wb-prod'  # compare all actions                                                                                                                                               
 - ftbx compare actions 'wb-dev' 'wb-stg' 'wb-prod' --filters 'name=ftbx-script'                                                                                                                                           
 - ftbx compare metadataDefinitions 'wb-stg' 'wb-prod' --filters 'name=Asset'                                                                                                                                            
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type       OBJECT_TYPE:{accounts|actions|eventHandlers|groups|messageTemplates|metadataDefinitions|obj  [default: None] [required]                                                                  │
│                        ectTypes|profiles|quotas|resources|roles|tagCollections|taskDefinitions|taxonomies|timedAct                                                                                              │
│                        ions|userDefinedObjectTypes|users|variants|wizards|workflowDefinitions|workspaces}                                                                                                       │
│ *    environments      ENVIRONMENTS...                                                                              [default: None] [required]                                                                  │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --filters        TEXT                                                                                                                                                                                           │
│ --help                 Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                              │

1. Compare items
# Compare action "check-end-node-wf" between wb-dev, wb-stg and wb-prod
ftbx compare actions "wb-dev" "wb-stg" "wb-prod" --filters "name=check-end-node-wf"

# Compare **ALL** actions between wb-dev, wb-stg and wb-prod
ftbx compare actions "wb-dev" "wb-stg" "wb-prod"


$ ftbx assert --help
 Usage: assert OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_NAME_OR_ID ASSERTIONS... [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                           
 Asserts some statement(s) or condition(s). Returns 'True' or 'False'.                                                                                                                                             
 - ftbx assert assets 12345 'deleted!=True'                                                                                                                                                                        
 - ftbx assert actions ftbx-script 'concurrentJobsLimit>0'                                                                                                                                                         
 - ftbx assert actions ftbx-script 'configuration.instance.execution-lock-type=NONE'                                                                                                                               
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type            OBJECT_TYPE:{accounts|actions|assets|collections|eventHandlers|events|groups|jobs|messag  [default: None] [required]                                                                │
│                             eTemplates|metadataDefinitions|objectTypes|profiles|quotas|resources|roles|tagCollection                                                                                            │
│                             s|taskDefinitions|tasks|taxonomies|timedActions|userDefinedObjectTypes|users|variants|wi                                                                                            │
│                             zards|workflowDefinitions|workflows|workspaces}                                                                                                                                     │
│ *    object_name_or_id      TEXT                                                                                      [default: None] [required]                                                                │
│ *    assertions             ASSERTIONS...                                                                             operators: [!~, !=, >=, <=, ~, =, <, >] [default: None] [required]                        │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in          TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                                          │
│ --help              Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                                 │

1. Assertions
# assert asset id 12345 has metadata field 'value' set to 1 in wb-prod
ftbx assert assets 12345 'metadata.instance.value=1' --in 'wb-prod'

# assert my_action has concurrentJobsLimit set to 0 and lock = NONE
ftbx assert actions my_action "concurrentJobsLimit=0" "configuration.instance.execution-lock-type=NONE"


$ ftbx retry --help
 Usage: ftbx retry OBJECT_TYPE [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                       
 Retries object instances in an environment either from API filters or from a file (csv or json).                                                                                                                  
 - ftbx retry jobs --in 'cs-sbx' # retry all failed jobs                                                                                                                                                             
 - ftbx retry jobs --filters 'name=ftbx-script' 'createdFrom=22 Jul 2024'                                                                                                                                          
 - ftbx retry workflows --file 'lists/failed_workflows.csv' --in 'cs-sbx'                                                                                                                                           
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type      OBJECT_TYPE:{jobs|workflows}  [default: None] [required]                                                                                                                                  │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in             TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                                       │
│ --filters        TEXT  ex: 'name=ftbx-script' 'createdFrom=22 Jul 2024'                                                                                                                                         │
│ --file           TEXT  ex: 'lists/failed_jobs.csv' 'lists/failed_jobs.json' (from 'ftbx list') [default: None]                                                                                                  │
│ --help                 Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                              │

1. Retry instances

# "status=Failed" is applied by the command by default 

# retry 5 failed "untar-frames" jobs with query
ftbx retry jobs --filters "name=untar-frames" "limit=5"

# retry all failed "untar-frames" jobs
ftbx retry jobs --filters "name=untar-frames"

# retry **ALL** failed jobs/workflows
ftbx retry jobs
ftbx retry workflows

# retry all failed jobs from a CSV file (CSV file must contain the "id" column)
ftbx retry jobs --file "failed_jobs.csv"

# retry all failed workflows from a JSON file (JSON file must be made of a dict for each instance, with a "id" key within each dict)
ftbx retry workflows --file "failed_workflows.json"

# LIST + RETRY flow
ftbx list jobs --filters "status=Failed" "name=untar-frames" --name "list" # this will create a JSON and CSV file with the failed items 
ftbx retry jobs --file "lists/list.json" # same as below
ftbx retry jobs --file "lists/list.csv" # same as above


ftbx cancel --help
 Usage: ftbx cancel OBJECT_TYPE:{jobs|workflows} OBJECT_NAME_OR_ID [OPTIONS]                                                                     
 Cancel **failed** object instance(s) in an environment.                                                                   
 - ftbx cancel jobs 12345 --in 'cs-sbx'  # cancel job 12345 in cs-sbx                                           
 - ftbx cancel workflows --filters 'name=my-workflow' 'limit=20' # cancel 20 workflows                          
 - ftbx cancel jobs --filters 'name=my-jobs' --post-filters '[-1].stackTrace~Row updated by       
 another transaction'                                                                                           
╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type            OBJECT_TYPE:{jobs|workflows}  [default: None] [required]                         │
│      object_name_or_id      [OBJECT_NAME_OR_ID]           [default: None]                                    │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --filters             TEXT  ex: 'name=asset_name', 'limit=30'                                                │
│ --post-filters        TEXT  ex: 'configuration.instance.execution-lock-type=NONE' 'concurrentJobsLimit>0'    │
│ --file                TEXT  ex: 'lists/failed_jobs.csv' 'lists/failed_jobs.json' (from 'ftbx list')          │
│                             [default: None]                                                                  │
│ --in                  TEXT  [default: default]                                                               │
│ --help                      Show this message and exit.                                                      │

1. Cancel object instances

# "status=Failed" is applied by ftbx by default

# cancel 1 failed workflow
ftbx cancel workflows 121345

# cancel 5 failed "untar-frames" jobs
ftbx cancel jobs --filters 'name=untar-frames' 'limit=5'

# cancel all failed "untar-frames" jobs
ftbx cancel jobs 'untar-frames' # same as below
ftbx cancel jobs --filters 'name=untar-frames' # same as above

# cancel **ALL** failed jobs or workflow
ftbx cancel jobs
ftbx cancel workflows

# cancel all failed jobs from a CSV file (CSV file must contain the 'id' column)
ftbx cancel jobs --file 'failed_jobs.csv'

# cancel all workflows from a JSON file (JSON file must be made of a dict for each instance, with an 'id' key)
ftbx cancel workflows --file 'failed_workflows.json'

# LIST + CANCEL flow
ftbx list jobs --filters 'status=Failed' 'name=untar-frames' --name 'failed_jobs'
ftbx cancel jobs --file "lists/failed_jobs.csv"
ftbx cancel jobs --file "lists/failed_jobs.json"


$ ftbx launch --help
 Usage: ftbx launch OBJECT_TYPE OBJECT_NAME [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                         
 Launches a job or workflow with the given parameters.                                                                                                                                                             
 - ftbx launch jobs 'ftbx-script' --params 'assetId=12345' 'workspaceId=303' --in 'cs-sbx' --listen                                                                                                                   
 - ftbx launch workflows 'ftbx-workflow' --params 'assetId=12345' --in 'cs-sbx'                                                                                                                                        
 - ftbx launch jobs 'ftbx-script' --use-local --listen # push local config before launching                                                                                                                     
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    object_type      OBJECT_TYPE:{jobs|workflows}  [default: None] [required]                                                                                                                                  │
│ *    object_name      TEXT                          [default: None] [required]                                                                                                                                  │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in                             TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                       │
│ --params                         TEXT  ex: 'assetId=1234' 'workspaceId=303'                                                                                                                                     │
│ --from-file                      TEXT  ex: 'payload.json' [default: None]                                                                                                                                       │
│ --use-local    --no-use-local          Whether to push local config before launching the instance [default: no-use-local]                                                                                       │
│ --listen       --no-listen             Whether to get the logs of the launched instance in the terminal [default: no-listen]                                                                                    │
│ --help                                 Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                              │

1. Launch instances

# launch a check-end-node-wf job
ftbx launch jobs "check-end-node-wf"

# launch a check-end-node-wf job in wb-dev
ftbx launch jobs "check-end-node-wf" --in "wb-dev"

# launch and listen to a check-end-node-wf in wb-dev
ftbx launch jobs "check-end-node-wf" --in "wb-dev" --listen

# launch a check-end-node-wf on asset id 809, in workspace id 303
ftbx launch jobs "check-end-node-wf" --params "assetId=809" "workspaceId=303"

# launch a check-end-node-wf on asset id 809 from file launch_config.json
# launch_config.json:
# {
#   "assetId"=809,
#   "workspaceId"=303
# } 
ftbx launch jobs "check-end-node-wf" --from-file "launch_config.json"

# launch a check-end-node-wf with your local configuration on asset id 809
ftbx launch jobs "check-end-node-wf" --params "assetId=809" --use-local

Workflow Designer

$ ftbx workflowDesigner --help
 Usage: ftbx workflowDesigner WORKFLOW_NAME [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                           
 Opens the workflow designer for a given workflow in an environment.                                                                                                                                               
 -ftbx workflow_designer 'ftbx-workflow' --in 'cs-sbx'                                                                                                                                                               
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    workflow_name      TEXT  [default: None] [required]                                                                                                                                                        │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in          TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                                          │
│ --help              Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                                 │

1. Open workflow designer

# open workflow designer in default environment
ftbx workflowDesigner "Get or compute asset checksum"

# open workflow designer in wb-stg environment
ftbx workflowDesigner "Get or compute asset checksum" --in "wb-stg"

Metadata Designer

$ ftbx metadataDesigner --help
 Usage: ftbx metadataDesigner [OPTIONS]                                                                                                                                                                         
 Opens the metadata designer in your default web browser.                                                                                                                                                          
 - ftbx metadataDesigner  # in default environment                                                                                                                                                                 
 - ftbx metadataDesigner --in 'cs-sbx'                                                                                                                                                                               
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --in          TEXT  [default: default]                                                                                                                                                                          │
│ --help              Show this message and exit.                                                                                                                                                                 │

1. Open metadata designer

# open metadata designer in default environment
ftbx metadataDesigner

# open metadata designer in wb-stg environment
ftbx workflowDesigner --in "wb-stg"


Self-signed certificates

ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed certificate in certificate chain (_ssl.c:1006)

Fix: see 4. Connect to self-signed environments


David NAISSE -


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