Parse and process Raman and photoluminescence (PL) data files generated by Nanofinder instruments.
- Parse SMD (Scanned Measurement Data) files produced by NanoFinder instruments
- Convert spectral data between different units (nm, cm-1, eV, Raman shift)
- Export parsed data to CSV files or pandas DataFrames
You can install NanofinderParser using pip:
pip install nanofinderparser
Or using Poetry:
poetry add nanofinderparser
Quick Start
Here's a simple example of how to use NanofinderParser in python:
from pathlib import Path
from nanofinderparser import load_smd
file_path = Path("path/to/your/smd/file.smd")
mapping_data = load_smd(file_path)
print(f"Laser wavelength: {mapping_data.laser_wavelength} nm")
print(f"Map size: {mapping_data.map_size}")
mapping_data.to_csv(path=Path("output"), spectral_units="raman_shift")
You can also use NanofinderParser from the command line:
# Convert an SMD file to CSV
nanofinderparser convert path/to/your/smd/file.smd output_folder --units nm
# Display information about an SMD file
nanofinderparser info path/to/your/smd/file.smd
For more detailed usage instructions, please refer to the documentation.