AVEVA Data Hub Python Library Sample
Version: 0.7.1_preview

This sample library requires Python 3.7+. You can download Python here.
- NOTE: The library previously required Python 3.9+ to take advantage of type annotations. To provide compatibility with environments that cannot upgrade Python to 3.9,
from __future__ import annotations
was added to each necessary file. This provides backwards compatibility down to Python 3.7.
About the library
The python ADH library is an introductory language-specific example of programming against Aveva Data Hub (ADH). It is intended as instructional samples only and are not for production use. The samples also work on OSIsoft Cloud Services unless otherwise noted.
They can be obtained by running: pip install ocs_sample_library_preview
The library is not intended to show every endpoint and every option/parameter for endpoints it has. The library is known to be incomplete.
Other language libraries and samples are available on GitHub.
Tests are done by testing the sample apps that use this.
Developed using Python 3.9.5.
AVEVA Samples are licensed under the Apache 2 license.
For the main ADH sample libraries page ReadMe
For the main ADH samples page ReadMe
For the main AVEVA samples page ReadMe