
Make your python code somewhat unintelligible but still readable and still functional.
Change the utf8 encoding of class names, function names, function args, and name nodes with a fitting unicode representation.
Or switch those back from unicode to utf8.
The ast is used and does not keep formating.
The changes are inplace if using a file or a directory for input.
The package is available on pypi and can be installed using pip.
Activate a virtual environment and run
pip install py-vomit
As a module run vomit with a required option to either encode or decode.
For input use a a stdin + stdout, a file, or a directory.
Add more extensions if .py
is not enough.
Ignore node names, files, or directories if it keeps the code functional.
usage: python -m vomit [-h] (-e | -d) [-f FILE] [-s SOURCE] [-i [IGNORE ...]] [-r [IGNORE_REGEX ...]] [-n [IGNORE_NAMES ...]] [-t [EXT ...]] [-v]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --encode indicate the file should be encoded
-d, --decode indicate the file should be decoded
-f FILE, --file FILE the file to encode or decode, defaults to stdin
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
the directory to encode or decode files recursively
-i [IGNORE ...], --ignore [IGNORE ...]
list of files and directories to skip when using source as input
-r [IGNORE_REGEX ...], --ignore-regex [IGNORE_REGEX ...]
list of files and directories as regex patterns to skip when using source as input
-n [IGNORE_NAMES ...], --ignore-names [IGNORE_NAMES ...]
list of node names to skip
-t [EXT ...], --ext [EXT ...]
list of extensions to include along ".py" when using source as input
-v, --verbose verbose output used for file or source as input
or use vomit as a library
from vomit import to_unicode
from vomit import to_utf8
from vomit import UNICODE_MAP