.. image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/webcouturier.dropdownmenu.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/webcouturier.dropdownmenu
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu/master.svg
:target: http://travis-ci.org/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu/master.svg
:target: https://coveralls.io/r/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu
The dropdown solution for Plone since 2007.
You will get the dropdown menus for those items in global navigation that have the subitems.
Submenus are built based on the same policy as the Site Map,
it will show the same tree as you would get in the Site Map or navigation portlet being in appropriate section.
How it works
Dropdown menus are build based on the same policy as the Site Map,
it will show the same tree as you would get in the Site Map or navigation portlet being in appropriate section.
This means - no private objects for anonymous; no objects, excluded from the navigation -
exactly the same behavior you would expect from Site Map or navigation portlet.
As any add-ons, please follow the official install documentation <https://docs.plone.org/manage/installing/installing_addons.html>
While disabling clicking the links with children, one may want the links in the global navigation bar to be clickable nevertheless
What you need is to customize the browser/static/dropdown.js
file like the following:
jQuery(function ($) {
$('#portal-globalnav ul .noClick').click(function (e) {
Note that we have added ul in the jQuery selector. This will stop
clickability of the links in the dropdowns only, but not the section's link
in the global navigation bar itself.
.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu.svg?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu
.. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu/badge.svg?branch=master
:target: https://coveralls.io/github/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu?branch=master
We'd be happy to see many commits, forks and pull-requests to make webcouturier.dropdownmenu even better.
If you are having issues, please let us know.
Open an issue <http://github.com/collective/webcouturier.dropdownmenu/issues>
_ or send us an e-mail to dev@bluedynamics.com.
- Denys Mishunov [mishunov] Twitter_ ·
- Wichert Akkerman [wichert]
_ - JeanMichel FRANCOIS [toutpt]
_ - Thomas Desvarin [thomasdesvenain]
_ - Maurits van Rees [maurits]
- David Glick [davisagli]
- Matt Halstead [matthal]
- Leonardo J. Caballero G. [macagua]
- Florian Schulze [fschulze]
- Jens Klein [jensens]
BlueDynamics Alliance
_ - Peter Holzer [agitator]
BlueDynamics Alliance
_ - Johannes Raggam [thet]
BlueDynamics Alliance
_ - Sven Strack [svx]
.. _Makina-Corpus: http://www.makina-corpus.com
.. _Simplon: http://www.simplon.biz
.. _Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/mishunov
.. _Google+: https://plus.google.com/102311957553961771735/posts
.. _toutpt: http://profiles.google.com/toutpt
.. _Ecréall: http://www.ecreall.com/
.. _BlueDynamics Alliance: http://bluedynamics.com/
3.0.2 (2018-03-22)
made last childs sub sub items float left instead of right (outside of screen width)
Mobile navigation with expandable/collapsable submenu levels.
Resource registration cleanup
To set global section active tab, use selected_portal_tab
instead simple url comparison.
Fixes the Home
tab always set active.
Fixes: #31.
Fix AttributeError during upgrade.
Improve README
3.0.1 (2016-11-24)
- Merge resources with default bundle
3.0.0 (2016-11-14)
Remove utils
, move its methods into the dropdown browser view and eliminate the need to call a module from the page template.
Avoid waking up all objects in this navigation structure.
Add selected class also to submenu items.
Add review_state
to tab-links.
Add upgrade steps for 3.0 upgrade and remove obsolete ones.
Move webcouturier.dropdownmenu.configlet
to webcouturier.dropdownmenu.browser.controlpanel
Add uninstall profile.
Rename resource and bundle names to not contain a dot, because that's not supported by the less toolchain.
Make images work within dropdownmenus, cleanup of settings and conditions
Make main menu items with subitems clickable by removing data-toggle
from <a>
See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19935480/bootstrap-3-how-to-make-head-of-dropdown-link-clickable-in-navbar
More Twitter Bootstrap alignments.
Use Twitter Bootstrap classes along with plone-
prefixed ones.
Makes sure, it will work in Bootstrap-less and Bootstrap based themes.
Plone 5 compatibility
[davilima6, fulv, jensens, lewecki]
Add some css classes to make styling easier.
Default value none (not None) for enable_thumbs setting
Add Brazilian Portuguese translation.
Fix package dependencies and metadata; explicitly drop support for Plone 4.0.
Added option to show image and description in dropdownmenu [espen]
Codebase cleanup.
Add markup and a profile to support Twitter Bootstrap dropdowns.
Handle Unauthorized exceptions when rendered in context of unauthorized
objects. Can happen with standard_error_pages
First iteration to port codebase to be compatible with Plone 5
Update buildout to Plone 5
Register resource directory to enable csscompilation entry in registry.xml
2.3.1 (2012-07-26)
- move css from import to link
2.3 (2012-01-23)
Moved the plone.app.testing and unittest2 dependencies to a test extra.
Only load the CMF permissions when on Plone 4.1 or higher.
fix unkown version in quickinstaller.
fix typo in skins.xml provide wrong install on sunburst
rename dropdown css from dtml to static css
2.2 (August 17, 2011)
2.1 (2010-09-23)
Add z3c.autoinclude entry point so ZCML is loaded automatically in Plone.
Fix icons for compatibility with Plone 4.
Added support for i18n
Added Spanish translation
2.0 (2009-05-26)
Updated README.txt with the whole bunch of information that
users need about the package.
Icon for the package's configlet link.
Added configlet for managing dropdown settings rom Plone
Control panel.
Added caching feature for output xhtml.
Fixed an IE Javascript error when dropdown.js was loaded on
templates without a #portal-globalnav.
1.1.5 (2008-04-19)
Made the package work in both Plone 3.0.x and Plone 3.1
Got rid of buggy default skin's resetting in package's profile
Look for 'path' in the global tabs data, if it's available then
it's used to get the object instead of trying to reconstruct it
from the url which fails in many cases.
Got rid of hardcoded version of plone.browserlayer. It's up to
users now to decide what version of plone.browserlayer to use.
1.1.4 (2008-04-11)
- Fixed the bug when you have could get the error in case your navigation
root differs from site root. In this case you could get
"'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith'" error
1.1.3 (2008-04-09)
Switched the package from using browser resource for the main
stylesheet. It's now in skins/ to follow main theme's colors
Added a workaround for objects that contain spaces in their ID's
Fixed the problem with images in the site's root
Only override the depth for navtree queries for the dropdown menus.
The override for the path was a nop for the common case but would
break for sites with a different navigation root.
Call constructor for base class in our DropdownMenuViewlet class. This
removes some boilerplate code and makes sure everything is initialised
1.1 (2007-10-29)
Dropdownmenu uses it's own builder now (instead of sharing the same one
with site map). Implemented new property dropdownDepth
to contain
depth property for dropdown menu separately from sitemapDepth
Fixed the problem with installation in Plone 3.0.2 because of relations
with webstats.js file
1.0 (2007-10-05)
- Initial release. Tested in all modern browsers, incl. Safari, IE6, IE7
and so on.