D3Maps Ruby Gem
D3Maps Ruby Gem is a gem that simplifies the process of creating maps of the United States and assigning data values to each location.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'd3_maps'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install d3_maps
In app/assets/javascripts/application.js, include
//= require d3_maps
Create the database needed to store the information for your project. The database consist of a States table with information on number, code, and name. Number must be included. Code and name are optional values to display.
rails generate model States number:integer code:string name:string
rake db:migrate
In the seeds.rb file
require 'csv'
tsv_text = File.read(Rails.root.join('assets', 'tsv', 'us_states', 'us-state-names.tsv'))
tsv = CSV.parse(tsv_text, :headers => true, :col_sep => "\t")
tsv.each do |row|
s = State.new
s.number = row['id']
s.code = row['code']
s.name = row['name']
puts "There are now #{State.count} in the states table"
Seed your database.
rake db:seed
Or reset your database
rake db:reset
Host the data as a json file as part of your application
rails generate controller States index
Replace the States/states_controller.rb and states/index.html.erb files with the same files in d3maps.
The map for United states is located in views/welcome/index.html.erb
The map for the world is located in views/welcome/about.html.erb
To generate the world map, repeat the process and seed your database with data located at at app/tsv/world/world-countries-names.tsv