= ysets
YAML settings for your Rails 3 app.
===Install the gem
Add this to your Gemfile
gem "ysets"
Install with Bundler
bundle install
===Adding the YAML file with your key/value pairs
- Create a YAML file inside /your_rails_app/config/ysets/ClassName.yml
- On your application.rb add
require "ysets/railtie"
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
===YAML file content
You can define key/value pairs in the YAML file and these will be available in your app. You can set the defaults and any environment specific values.
The file must contain each environment that you will use in your Rails app. Here is a sample.yml:
defaults: &defaults
api_key: asdf12345lkj
some_number: 999
erb_stuffs: <%= "erb stuff works" %>
- element1
- element2
<<: *defaults
api_key: api key for dev
<<: *defaults
<<: *defaults
In the above example, you can define the key/value pair using strings, numbers, erb code, or arrays. Notice that the "api_key" in the development
environment will override the "api_key" from defaults.
===Accessing the values in your Rails app
SAMPLE.api_key # => asdf12345lkj
SAMPLE.some_array[0] # => element1