Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
UI component for a 3D force-directed graph in AR
JavaScript SDK for Augmented Reality on the web.
A lightweight React component for displaying products in both Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D. Perfect for eCommerce applications where you want to showcase your products in an immersive and interactive way.
Needle Engine is a web-based runtime for 3D apps. It runs on your machine for development with great integrations into editors like Unity or Blender - and can be deployed onto any device! It is flexible, extensible and networking and XR are built-in
JavaScript 3D library
Provides implementations of Magic Leap OpenXR extension APIs and XR subsystems for building and running on the Magic Leap 2.
A web component to easily display 3D models in native AR across browsers and mobile devices
Prismm's modified version of three.js
Onirix helper library for iframe event communication.
JavaScript 3D library
Onirix AR Engine SDK allows to create Augmented Reality experiences that run in a web browser.
An isolated scene graph facade for web-based 3D libraries
JavaScript 3D library
JavaScript SDK for Augmented Reality on the web.
Viro React is a platform for developers to rapidly build augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. Developers write in React Native, and Viro runs their code natively across all mobile VR (including Google Daydream, Samsung Gear VR, and
This library allows you use Zappar's best-in-class AR technology with content built using the 3D rendering platform React Three Fiber.
Module for interfacing with the Plattar API (https://www.plattar.com)
A web component to easily display 3D models in native AR across browsers and mobile devices
JavaScript 3D library - Optimized for CasualOS
Plattar AR Adapter for interfacing with Google & Apple WebAR
Plattar SDK for interfacing with Remote Plattar Services such as Configurators, File Converters and Asset Optimisers
Wikitude plugin for Nativescript
Allows embedding Plattar-Style QR Codes for existing websites.
Onirix helper library for camera controls.
JavaScript 3D library
An open-standards augmented reality platform for the web. Initially created to supporting creating AR web applications for [the Argon4 browser](https://app.argonjs.io), argon.js is now aimed at supporting AR in any web browser, using whatever capabilities
Realtime pose detection with MediaPipe MoveNet.
MediaPipe Meet Segmentation for human matting in Unity Engine.
WebAR Javscript library for markerless AR
Anchor-free ultra-fast object detection.
JavaScript 3D library
Context Messenger framework for cross-iframe communication (https://www.plattar.com)
Fork of three.js containing only its CSS2dRenderer and dependencies
Pose detection with MediaPipe BlazePose.
Module for interfacing with the Plattar Embeds and Web Viewers (https://www.plattar.com)
Palm landmark prediction with MediaPipe Hands in Unity Engine.
Realtime 3D pose detection with MoveNet.