Check if the process is running inside a container (Docker/Podman)
This package contains shared types of Jest's packages.
Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations.
Check if the process is running inside a Docker container
An ES7/ES2016 spec-compliant `Array.prototype.includes` shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
Allow parsing of Decimal, Binary, Hex and Octal literals that contain a Numeric Literal Separator
Parse container info from cgroups file
Common package containing utils and types for GraphQL tools
Opentelemetry resource detector to get container resource attributes
AWS credential provider for containers and HTTP sources
AWS credential provider that sources credentials from the EC2 instance metadata service and ECS container metadata service
A plugin for Tailwind CSS v3.2+ that provides utilities for container queries.
Testcontainers is a NodeJS library that supports tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container
*Please note that this polyfill is now in maintenance mode, as of Nov, 2022. We are not planning to add more features or enhancements.* ____________________________
A layout component that centers all the email content
Basic utilities to work with container query.
Style elements relative to other elements in CSS
Returns an array of all tabbable DOM nodes within a containing node.
Interactive Brush Component for Victory
Interactive Selection Component for Victory
Interactive Voronoi Mouseover Component for Victory
Interactive Cursor Component for Victory
Container Helper for Victory
Interactive Zoom Component for Victory
Plugin to create block-level custom containers for markdown-it markdown parser
The Nx Devkit is used to customize Nx for different technologies and use cases. It contains many utility functions for reading and writing files, updating configuration, working with Abstract Syntax Trees(ASTs), and more. Learn more about [extending Nx by
Container utilities in the Garden Design System
Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations.
The Nx Devkit is used to customize Nx for different technologies and use cases. It contains many utility functions for reading and writing files, updating configuration, working with Abstract Syntax Trees(ASTs), and more. Learn more about [extending Nx by
Polyfills the ResizeObserver API and supports box size options from the latest spec
Containers relating to focusjail in the Garden Design System
Containers relating to modal in the Garden Design System
AWS credential provider that sources credentials from the EC2 instance metadata service and ECS container metadata service
PostgreSQL module for Testcontainers
Google Container Engine API client for Node.js
Convert an argument into a valid iterator. Based on the `.makeIterator()` implementation in mout
Containers relating to selection in the Garden Design System
This package is part of the [React Native CLI](../../ It contains commands for managing the Android part of React Native app.
A React hook that allows you to use a ResizeObserver to measure an element's size.