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A versatile React icon component library with gradient support, hover effects, and customizable shapes. Perfect for modern UI designs.
A simple static or animated text gradient react component
A universal gradient border solution for React Native
gradient-now is a command-line tool that generates a gradient of colors based on the input provided. You can specify any number of colors in hexadecimal format or color names, followed by a number indicating the steps in the gradient.
typescript-color-gradient is a typescript native fork of javascript-color-gradient, a lightweight JavaScript library used to generate an array of color gradients by providing start and finish colors, as well as the required number of midpoints.
Library to generate colors using a smooth gauss function
Library to create a gradient generator in vanilla-js with interactive user interface in html
Beautiful color gradients in terminal output
Color picker for react
PostCSS plugin for generating the old IE supported filter gradient.
Create amazing, animated gradients with ease.
Set background gradient with hover effect on your button.
Randomized gradient background generator
CSS Gradient for LinearGradient component.
Display progress in a circle fashion
React Native component for making animated circular progress charts with an angular gradient using react-native-skia
Create colorful gradient arrays in a single line of code.
Base module of the gradient.js library
⚛ A pure JavaScript, performant, typed shimmer component for Android and iOS.
A library for gradient texts that works on web and mobile universal RN apps.
Transform css linear-gradient degree to start and end coordinates in react-native-linear-gradient or expo-linear-gradient
A pretty extension for CanvasRenderingContext2D to create a pattern of the conical gradient.
This packages takes css gradient string as an input and converts it to a JSON Object..
A combo of gradient-string + boxen
This project was bootstrapped with [TSDX](https://github.com/jaredpalmer/tsdx).
Angular package that provide one reusable component for change gradient colors value by using mouse dragging.
Component to display text with linear gradient.
Easily gradientify your text
gradient-ring-progress是js编写的渐变环形进度条插件,该插件小巧不依赖其他的库 ### Demo [gradient-ring-progress](https://progress.lap.360.cn/) ### Install ``` npm i gradient-ring-progress -S ``` ### Quick Start ``` JavaScript <
A CLI progam display teminal outputs as gradients.
Creates gradient ASCII art from text with FIGlet and style
Svg module of the gradient.js library
get liner gradient in CSS, Canvas2d and `fillStyle` of context2d.
Generates visually appealing and configurable colors and gradients based on input
Full-stack background style property type for GrapesJS, with the possibility to add images, colors, and gradients
Linear gradient component for dripsy
Display progress in a circle fashion