Module to easily encrypt mongoose datamodel fields
browserify version of publicEncrypt & privateDecrypt
TypeScript definitions for xml-encryption
Official client encryption module for the MongoDB Node.js driver
All the cryptographic primitives used in Ethereum
a cryptographic utility for sealing-unsealing a JSON object using symmetric key encryption with message integrity verification
Xml digital signature and encryption library for Node.js
Encapsulated tokens (encrypted and mac'ed objects)
A JavaScript library to zip and unzip files in the browser, Deno and Node.js
Classes for managing, encrypting and decrypting Ethereum private keys as a Signer for ethers.
RustCrypto: Argon2 binding for Node.js
RustCrypto: Argon2 binding for Node.js
RustCrypto: Argon2 binding for Node.js
Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme for secp256k1/curve25519
Transparent field-level encryption at rest for Prisma
This submodule provides encryption and decryption of contents (string, file, etc.) respectively using a symmetric key, with the encrypted content returned as a Blob and the symmetric key as a Uint8Array
Encryption utilities for Stacks
AEAD interface declaration (authenticated encryption with associated data)
Provides a way to encrypt and securely store key-value pairs locally on the device.
Encrypted Content-Encoding for HTTP
Secure, stateless, and cookie-based session library for JavaScript
A simple symmetric encryption plugin for individual fields. Dependency free, only mongoose peer dependency.