An ESnext spec-compliant iterator helpers shim/polyfill/replacement that works as far down as ES3.
Array methods for ES6 Iterators
Walk any kind of tree structure depth- or breadth-first. Supports promises and advanced map-reduce operations with a very small API.
Isomorphic map-reduce function to flatten an array into the supplied array
Small library to simplify working with Generators and Iterators in Javascript / Typescript
Make array iteration easy when using async/await and Promises
An inverted index that allows javascript objects to be easily serialised and retrieved using promises and map-reduce
Convenient and dependency free wrapper for working with arrays and objects.
Require multiple modules using glob patterns. Supports exclusions.
A library of async iterator extensions for JavaScript including ```map```, ```reduce```, ```filter```, ```flatMap```, ```pipe``` and [more](
Utilities for JavaScript Iterable and AsyncIterable
Utilities for consuming, creating and manipulating node streams.
Basic operations on iterables
Async enabled each(), map(), filter() functions that work just like their standard counterparts, but can be used with async/await and also provide concurrency limiting. Includes built-in typings and JSDoc comments for IntelliSense documentation.
An array is a collection of values, stored contiguously.
Functional methods like forEach, map, filter, and other Array methods for Objects in javascript but for objects with good TypeScript support. A small and simple integration.
Provides LINQ-like fluent api operations for iterables and async iterables (ES2018+).
Functional operation helpers (underscore-like) for working with map, filter, reduce, etc
Add functional methods like map, reduce, filter, etc. iterables (ES6 Iterators).
A collection of streams that work well with promises (through, map, reduce)
Common typescript ready prototypes available in both CommonJS and ECMAScript
Parse unist trees, and map over nodes that pass a predicate function
filters/finds, maps, reduces, and sorts
kafka-streams for Node.js
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Reducers you can use for composing reducer hierarchy like with combineReducers from redux
> ES6 character based charting library > > [![npm][npm]][npm-url] [![build][build]][build-url] [![coverage][coverage]][coverage-url] [![deps][deps]][deps-url] [![size][size]][size-url] [![vulnerabilities][vulnerabilities]][vulnerabilities-url] [![license]
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> forked from [@patrtorg/quis-doloribusode]( v11.1.0. as the original repository seems [no longer maintained](
0-dependency, high-performance, reactive event handling library optimized for both browser and Node.js environments. This library introduces a robust and type-safe abstraction for handling events, reducing boilerplate and increasing code maintainability.